Big Break Witnessing Tools

#2822375 - Knowing God Personally Gift Catalog

Each spring, while most students spend spring break letting loose from homework - and often abandoning their morals - thousands of devoted Christ followers will gather in Panama City Beach, Florida, ready to take to the sand with a message of hope.

During this year's BIG BREAK, more than 5,700 people heard the gospel clearly presented and 14,317 conversations were started using evangelistic tools. More than 420 people came to Jesus Christ as a result!

Big Break is one of the best venues we have to train students in new approaches to evangelism, like video and mobile internet evangelism, where students can use personal electronic devices like cell phones and iPods to share the gospel. Your gift today will help take Jesus to the next generation!

Please supply young evangelists with the most effective, innovative witnessing tools and training to reach as many other students as possible. Give today!

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