Reaching Students in Closed Countries

#0676014 -

We have just finished the most fruitful year of ministry in Cru’s history — more than 11.5 million young people reached, 180,166 decisions to follow Christ — and these figures are all on the increase for 2014.

Our most powerful and effective strategy? a really engaging website which puts us heart-to-heart with millions of students we couldn’t reach face-to-face!

In 2013, this powerful outreach actually connected with more than 600,000 individuals for the first time inside one communist nation in a period of just 90 days ... and more than 1.1 million in a total of 26 “closed countries” in the same time frame!

Please help us keep online — and at the top of online search listings — for the sake of reaching more students who need to know Jesus! Thank you! 

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