Reach the Northeast...Rock the World

#0865381 - Reaching our Future Leaders

Where is the greatest concentration of elite universities in the world? The Northeast.

Which 8 schools produce half of America’s most influential leaders? The Ivy League.

Reach these schools for Christ — and you reshape the future.

Cru is committed to reaching out to more of the 2.3 million students on 550 college campuses across the Northeast ... and especially the 8 Ivy League schools: Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Penn, Princeton, and Yale.

These schools are producing tomorrow’s leaders. They need to know the Lord.

Please help us reach them. For as little as 25¢ — through Evangelistic Forums,, and all of our evangelism outreaches worldwide — one more student will have the opportunity to hear the Gospel.

Mark Gauthier
Executive Director, U.S. Campus Ministry

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