New York Heart & Sole (Back-to-School Shoes)


New shoes can change everything for a child of the inner city ...

  1. Providing the confidence they need to walk into the classroom with their head held high ... and stay in school.
  2. Opening the door for churches and individuals to connect with children in need and share Jesus with them personally — right in their own neighborhood.
  3. Telling children in a tangible way that they’re special and God loves them.

With your generous online donation, you’ll provide brand-new shoes that fit — and an invitation to new life in Christ — to a child of the inner city as they head back to school.

Every $31.50 you give will provide one pair of shoes to a child in need. $94.50 provides three pairs. $157.50 means life-giving shoes for five boys and girls. 

Please give as generously as possible to support this compassionate and effective outreach — and tell as many children as possible that God loves them from head-to-toe!


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