Josh: Share Jesus in Port Cities

#2842673 - Josh: Send the truth into closed countries through port cities

Every$7.74 you give now will provide a French-Arabic copy of More Than a Carpenter

This spring, hundreds of thousands of men and women from the Middle East and North Africa will travel to Europe for vacation. Instead of taking planes, many drive their own cars straight onto ferries that cross the Mediterranean.

When visitors return home, they sit in line, sometimes for hours, waiting to board ferries at the international ports. This gives our field partners the opportunity to pass out Christian materials translated into Arabic and French, like More Than a Carpenter and tell people about Jesus.

Your gift by March 31, will help raise $232,200 to provide our partners with 30,000 copies of Josh's book More Than a Carpenter.

Please send a generous gift today!

To make a gift by phone: 
Call toll free: 1-855-833-6897, 8:30 a.m.–5:00 p.m. CT—Josh McDowell Ministry Development Office
Call toll free: 1-888-278-7233 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. ET—Cru Donation Services Office

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