Grow Win - Build - Send and bring students to Jesus!

#1012849 - Win Build Send Students

Grow Win - Build - Send
and bring students to Jesus!

Win, Build, Send is the defining strategy for Cru. It transforms the lives of students and faculty, as they are drawn to Christ ... empowered to grow in faith ... and commissioned to share the Good News of Jesus with their peers!

When you partner with us, you are making it happen over and over again!

Today we invite you to help us grow this ministry and outreach on campuses in a time when help and hope is desperately needed. As you give today, you'll empower evangelism, discipleship ... and equip Christian students to be strong witnesses on their campuses - sharing the gospel in a relevant and straightforward way - with whomever God may call them to journey alongside.

Remarkably, you can reach 4 college students for every $1 you donate today. Please prayerfully consider how many you can reach now and give generously.

Thank you!

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