Equip "JESUS" Film Teams: Challenge Grant of $100,000

#2585015 - "JESUS" Film Equipment

Dear Friend in Christ,

We serve a creative, powerful God! He wants every person to come to Christ.

I am grateful for your prayers and gifts. You enable the work of film teams who share the good news and show unreached people “JESUS.” Some teams are working in very difficult places. For security, I cannot tell you where this event happened except that there are reportedly many terrorist groups in the area.

But some of the fighters have become followers of Jesus! Their hearts were changed when they watched “JESUS.” Now they are showing the film to their own people!

A film team of former warriors courageously took the film to this difficult region. As they entered the area, they saw flags on poles, driven into the ground. Each of the flags represented a different terrorist group. As they tried to engage the fighters and share the good news with them, no one would listen. They were repeatedly ignored.

The team thought, “They don’t know there is another way, that they don’t have to die as suicide bombers to go to heaven.” Then, remembering their training and experience as fighters, and that often they went hungry, one of the team members proposed: “Why don’t we just cook for them?” The others agreed. Eating together might build a bridge.

So, they began making meals and inviting those around them to eat with them. But no one came. The second night they cooked again, no one came … and then they prepared more food, this time a feast. No one came.

Finally, one of the terrorists approached the team: “Why do you keep cooking for us? You are not from us. We know you don’t believe like we do. If we eat with you, we’re going to have to talk to you. So, we’re not eating with you.”

One of the team responded, “Actually, we’d like to invite you to watch an ancient film that has a culture very close to yours.” (They used the word “ancient” because “JESUS” is set in a 2,000-year-old culture.) Intrigued, the man replied, “Oh really?”

The team member answered, Yes! But you need to eat with us first. Then we’ll show you this film.” Some negotiation followed, going back and forth. Eventually, the visitor and his whole clan came over. They sat down and shared a meal together and began talking.

Applying their training, a team member (remember, a former terrorist himself) asked, “Do you have any stories from your culture about how the world began?” They let their guests reply, listening respectfully. Then they shared their own stories (some from the Old Testament). Next, the team asked, “And do you have any stories about love?”

For hours they exchanged stories, ate and built a bridge. Finally, the fighters were ready to watch this “ancient film.” Using a small, portable projector set you have provided, they showed “JESUS” in the appropriate language. It was now 4 a.m. and everyone was engaged, watching and listening. The Word of God penetrated hearts. About halfway through the film, the team heard murmurings. They wondered, “Is this a bad or good sign?”

Suddenly, one of the terrorists stood up and issued a command, “Stop the film!” All eyes were on him. They feared what might be next. He announced: “We have made a decision to walk with Jesus and leave our terror group. We have never seen or heard anyone before like Jesus.” Fighters from another clan also stood. “We’re following Jesus, too.” It was like they were exchanging their allegiance, their flag, for another—repenting, trading their identity with terror for the love of Jesus—even before they had heard the entire gospel story.

They asked to watch the film again the next night. During that showing, the leader stood again and issued a command: “Stop the film! Why are these people in the film being baptized with water?” The team answered, “It signifies being dead to the old person, and you becoming a new person.” Immediately, the leader of the terrorist group said, “If we come and hand you our weapons, and we bring you food, instead of you feeding us, will that show that we are now connected with you, and you will receive us to be baptized?”

The next day, they brought food, laid down their weapons and were baptized! Former terrorists invited the teams into their homes, feasting and sharing who Jesus is and all He had done for them. It was like the early church when new believers “… met in homes for the Lord’s Supper, and shared their meals with great joy and generosity—all the while praising God and enjoying the goodwill of all the people.” *

What a wonderful testimony of the power of our God to transform the hearts of men. As you know, the story of Jesus is for every man, woman and child ... including terrorists. He is the Savior for all who hear and will believe. He’s why teams are going to unreached areas, applying their training and using the showing equipment you graciously supply. It’s then that they may again hear from those they reach, “We have never seen or heard anyone before like Jesus.”

A man named Garang, who watched “JESUS” said, “This film showing has convinced me to give my life to Jesus Christ, who came to show me the way, the truth and life.” Another man spoke to the essence of the gospel: “The ‘JESUS’ film has really touched my heart. I am amazed that I could see this man suffering for my sins and could also speak to me through my own language.”

People are ready to say “yes” to Jesus if someone will tell them about His love. It’s why this photo is exciting to me. These are “JESUS” film workers with a partner ministry. They have been given new equipment at the new distribution hub in Nairobi, Kenya. These partners will do the work as gracious partners like you here at home supply the tools they need.

Irshad, a leader with one of those 1,800 ministry partners, sent this message after being supplied: “The equipment and the support through training you gave will have an impact far beyond what you can ever imagine! In [South Sudan], where over 70% of the population can’t read or write, bringing the [visual] story of Jesus Christ to the people in their heart language is the best way to reach them and make the kingdom of God Almighty to advance forcefully, breaking through the strongholds of darkness.”

Below is a list of some of the equipment needed by ministry partners to break through the darkness. Keep in mind that often these locally based ministries and churches cannot afford to purchase the showing tools, but they gladly offer themselves to do the work. They will go as you help send the equipment. Here are some of the tools they are requesting:

10-inch Video Tablet ($350) for one-on-one or family showings.

Deluxe Video Tablet Set ($530) for small-group showings. This is the same tablet but with a Bluetooth speaker and a solar panel for recharging.

Church-Planting Backpack Kit ($2,980) for audiences of up to 300 at a time. This is a full kit with a small projector, portable screen, speakers, solar panels and a PA system.

NewLifeBoxTM Kit ($205) is a Wi-Fi creation device to let people privately, safely, with smartphones and other devices, watch and download “JESUS,” and other Jesus Film® media.

The world’s population is approaching 8 billion people! One missionary group or organization cannot reach everyone, everywhere. It will take many partners and workers united as one to fulfill the Great Commission. It is our role to help supply those partners with “JESUS,” now available in more than 2,045 languages, along with training and equipment.

One partner, The Timothy Initiative, is wanting to send more teams to unreached areas of Africa, India, Southeast Asia and even Mexico. They are requesting 1,240 Backpack Kits. Of their current teams you have already equipped and sent, they report: “The church planters in these training centers have organized thousands of gospel presentations across Africa and Asia. Leaders equipped with Jesus Film backpacks and other resources have resulted in over 18,000 churches planted and more than 350,000 new believers.”

This is why friends of Jesus Film Project® have issued a Challenge Grant of $100,000 to help supply this equipment. This couple hopes to inspire you to follow their lead, to equip more teams who will reach their own people with the hope of Jesus in their heart language.

Again, thank you for your partnership. I am grateful for you and every friend of “JESUS.”

Until everyone sees Jesus,

Josh Newell
Executive Director
Jesus Film Project®

PS. I hope that the Challenge Grant of $100,000 will be an inspiration to you. These partners invite you to follow their lead to help thousands more be rescued from darkness and be called to repentance by the love of Christ. You can also send your gift safely and easily by clicking on the “give a gift” button or by calling (800) 387-4040. To make a taxwise gift through appreciated stock, an IRA, or a donor-advised fund, call (888) 278-7233 or email stock@jesusfilm.org or ira@jesusfilm.org.

*Acts 2:46b-47a, New Living Translation

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