$60k Challenge Grant: Equip Teams to Reach People with "JESUS"


His Word, the basis of “JESUS,” now in 2,193 different languages, always accomplishes the purpose for which He sent it. Whether sharing the gospel for the first time or grounding a new group of believers in their faith, His Word never returns void.

As you may have heard, at least 3 billion people are considered unreached, according to the Joshua Project. Many live with an inner awareness that there must be something more, something better than what they have always put their faith in. That’s the mission of these film teams and many other ministry partners—to introduce people to Jesus, so they might believe and be made new. It’s why I invite you to again join with the teams where God is working.

Challenge Grant

Supporting and equipping the film teams is so important that a generous donor couple has taken the first step, giving $60,000 as a Challenge Grant. They hope their gift will inspire your own as we work together as one to reach unreached people with the gospel in their heart language.

Click here to give a gift today.

The average cost for a day of ministry for one film team is just $42. They will show the film, follow up new believers, plant churches where there are none, conduct Bible studies and more. It may be that you will feel led to sponsor two days of a film team’s ministry through a gift of $84, or for a week by sending $294.

Should you have the financial ability and you feel His affirmation, perhaps you can support a team’s work for a month for $1,250, or as much as an entire year for a gift of $15,000. Your gift of any size will help and make a difference for Christ’s kingdom.

These same teams also need highly portable backpack sets and especially video tablets. The tablets are ideal in closed nations for private showings one-on-one, in homes, or even in a prison. You can provide a complete set—a tablet with a Bluetooth speaker—for a waiting evangelist or church planter for a gift of $530. You can also equip a partner with a Church-Planting Backpack Kit for a gift of $3,580. These backpack kits are for larger, public showings for up to 300 people at a time. Everything a team needs fits into a backpack. During its expected life, a single backpack set you provide can present the gospel to up to 30,000 people and disciple and plant as many as 30 new churches.

With Christmas around the corner, we will be celebrating God’s greatest gift, Jesus our Lord and Savior. Perhaps you will want to help provide the thousands of pieces of equipment these zealous teams are requesting.

The world is populated by more than 8 billion people. Of these, more than 3 billion are considered unreached. Among these are people ready for the truth, who are searching. Teams are ready to reach them, to give them the good news through “JESUS.”

Click here to give a gift today.

“… to the only God our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion and authority before all time and now and forever. Amen.” — Jude 25 NASB

God is working to transform lives even in the most difficult and resistant places. Here are some wonderful examples of how He is working through the teams and through your prayers and gifts:

Mary is a murderer—in prison for life. She is housed in the infamous Kuajok Main Prison of South Sudan, a deeply troubled nation.

The prison conditions are best described as terrible, dirty, crowded and deadly. Prisoners are at times chained and often confined together. Diseases spreads from person to person, killing many. Last May, the authorities arrested cattle rustlers and locked them overnight in a shipping container before being processed, likely on their way to prison. Seven people died from suffocation.

Into this place the gospel arrived, carried by Lynn. She is a trained “JESUS” film team member with one of 1,800 ministry partners who use the film.* Lynn entered the prison as a visitor with a video tablet you have supplied. (This ministry partner uses the tablets for what they call “Portable Bible School.”)

Lynn sat down with Mary and turned on the tablet. She selected the “JESUS” film in Mary’s language and pressed play. Soon, Mary found herself transfixed by all she saw, heard and understood in her heart language. She watched as Jesus healed the sick and showed love and mercy to the poor. Mary realized that Jesus died to forgive a person’s sin, and she said, “even when one doesn’t deserve to be forgiven by man.”

Right there, Mary asked Lynn if this Jesus, the Son of God she had just met, could really forgive her—a murderer. Lynn assured her that the good news was for everyone—that Jesus forgives every individual who seeks Him. His death and resurrection paid it all. And He was ready to receive her in love.

Mary completely broke down. Tears rolled down her cheeks. Knowing she would eventually die in this prison, Mary asked if the resurrection that happened to Jesus would also happen to her. Lynn assured her it would. Weeping, Mary asked God to forgive her for all her sins.

In the middle of this horrifying prison, peace and love filled her heart. Mary was made new by the power of God. The transformation in her countenance was undeniable. Lynn has since been meeting with Mary and other new believers in the prison, teaching and discipling them through their Portable Bible School, using the tablets. Thank you for your part in this powerful story.

Click here to give a gift today.

Rafi is not in prison, at least not physically. He lives in South Asia, raised in the culture of a religion hostile to Christians. He had heard of Jesus, but didn’t know much about Him. Like many in Rafi’s nation, he had assumed that God could never be born of a woman. We often hear that people in these cultures may feel there must be more to life, that something is missing in their hearts.

One unforgettable day a small group of people, a church-planting film team, came to present the film “JESUS.” The team set up its equipment in the yard of Rafi’s friend. So, he decided to attend. After all, the film was in their heart language.

As Rafi watched, this Jesus (whom he had heard about) spoke with profound authority and kindness. He witnessed miracles, Jesus being cruelly crucified and then miraculously coming back to life. The Holy Spirit confirmed to Rafi that these events really happened, that Jesus died for him.

Filled with emotion, Rafi spoke to the team. He told them how grateful he was for the clarity the film provided. Experiencing “JESUS” in his heart language made a difference, so he could at last understand Jesus and why He came into the world.

Days later, Rafi invited the team into his home where they showed “JESUS” to his wife and children. Together, they recognized the truth and prayed to receive Christ. Like Mary the prisoner, they, too, were set free, made new. Today, Rafi and his wife are growing in their faith, leading their children in God’s truth and regularly connecting with the team. Praise God for what He has done.

Click here to give a gift today.

*South Sudan is a dangerous nation to openly share your faith. Lynn and Mary are pseudonyms—fictitious names to protect lives. Lynn is one of many team members with Favor International, among those 1,800 ministry partners that use “JESUS.”

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