Inner City - Food & Warehouses


You've probably never been in Sofia's position.

So broke, she couldn't feed her children.

There she was, at our partner ministry in a rough part of town. She had done her best to provide for her kids ... four children, homeless, living on the street or in shelters or transitional housing, for a while in a trailer with no water or electricity.

Angry at God.

She brought her little ones through the door that said "Free Food" — and your love started rewriting their story.

Sofia and her children ate their fill, like family at the table, soothed by the love of these welcoming people.

They began attending church there. They came to faith in Christ. A transformation began. One year later, she had steady work, and they were renting a house. Her children had a whole new life. And a Friend named Jesus.

What began with a simple meal for a hungry family became a phenomenal story of lives transformed by the power of God's love!

When someone is hungry, there is no substitute for the gift of food. And today, I ask you to help us feed more hungry people like Sofia and her children, by supporting our inner-city food warehouses ...

Many people in the inner city are working but still poor — because hours have been cut back, or wages are low, or both.

With your generous help today, our warehouses can provide food for urban churches and neighborhood missions, enabling them to feed the hungry and the helpless ... and lift up Jesus.

Much of our food is donated, but we need to keep our warehouses operating. Every $39.30 provides a meal for another 30 children and adults. Please be as generous as you can. Thank you.

God bless you.

In Him,

Milton Massie
Executive Director


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