Josh: More Than A Carpenter For Port Cities

#2837092 - Josh: Share Jesus through More Than a Carpenter

Every summer, thousands of men, women, and children from North Africa and the Middle East visit Southern European port cities for vacation. They arrive by massive ferry boats that hold hundreds of cars and thousands of people.

When they prepare to sail home, they wait in long ferry lines in European ports, often sitting for hours in their cars.

While they wait, we tell them about Jesus Christ.

This is one of the most exciting, most strategic, smartest ministry efforts we’ve ever been a part of in more than 50 years of serving others. Most of the people waiting in these ferry lines live in countries where on-the-ground Christian evangelism is nearly impossible. Millions of people in those countries live in fear of the established religion.

Every $3.25 will provide a copy of More Than a Carpenter to someone from North Africa or the Middle East. That small investment could help change a life for eternity.

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