Josh: Asia Expedition

#2872517 - Josh: Equip New Pastors in East Asia


Josh has been invited by leaders in China to gift library sets of our books to graduating seminary students. Our goal is to equip 1,330 seminarians! Upon graduation, each graduate will return to work in a church and will reach at least 1,000 parishioners as part of their mandatory assignments! This will impact the lives of a minimum of one million people!

It costs $41 to provide one student with a library of six Christian books. That means to reach this goal we need $54,530 to provide libraries for each and every seminarian. Time is running short in our efforts to ensure we have everything in place to make this outreach as successful as possible. But, we trust that through the support of friends like you God will provide the resources that are needed to meet our deadline.

Please prayerfully consider sponsoring seminary students who will change the lives of believers and non-believers across the continent as they share the good news of Jesus.

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