Josh: Equipping Future Pastors in East Asia

#2872517 - Josh: Equip New Pastors in East Asia

YOU can equip China's future Christian leaders

Every $3.25 you send will add one Christian book or resource to a future pastor's personal library!

The church in China has experienced unprecedented growth in the past 30 years. While this is exciting news, it leaves us in a predicament: there is a shortage of Christian resources to properly teach and train pastors.

We have the opportunity to equip thousands of seminary student graduates in China with sound biblical knowledge as they embark on a life of ministry.

Upon graduation most students no longer have access to the seminary library resources. For many the Bible is all they'll have. And on the meager income they'll make as a pastor, if any at all, they will not likely be able to buy additional resources.

Every $3.25 you send will add one Christian book or resource to a student's personal library. Your gift today will help equip seminary students in China-the country's future leaders-with biblical teaching resources like . . .

* More Than A Carpenter
* New Evidence that Demands a Verdict
* Answers to Tough Questions
* The Power of 6A's
* The Father Connection
* Why True Love Waits
* The Bare Facts-Straight Talk With Your Kids About Sex

Your gift will reach far beyond just one pastor-in-training. The churches in China-where these young pastors will soon be sent to serve-range in size from 1,000 to 15,000!

Imagine how your gift will be multiplied!

To make a gift by phone:
Call toll free: 1-855-833-6897, 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m. CT-Josh McDowell Ministry Development Office
Call toll free: 1-888-278-7233 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. ET-Cru Donation Services Office

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