The Lux et Veritas Society


The Lux et Veritas Society is a local expression of Faculty Commons

Lux et Veritas is Latin for Light and Truth and is the motto of Indiana University. This growing movement of faculty and grad students is facilitated by Matthew and Debra Bazemore.

From the name is derived a two-fold purpose of the Society
Purpose 1: As followers of Jesus Christ:
To create and sustain a safe community of Christian faculty and graduate students pursuing together a deepening and robust Christian spirituality, i.e. discipleship.

Purpose 2: As Christian faculty and graduate students of Indiana University:
To support the mission of Indiana University, which is to create, disseminate, preserve, and apply knowledge, via the development of a viable and comprehensive Christian worldview, i.e. evangelism.

Mission Statement: To establish and maintain a redemptive Christian intellectual presence at IU.

The website for the Society may be found at

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