Suzie Moran


Suzie Moran has served on Campus Crusade staff for 39 years, and comes with 11 years of overseas experience, in Africa and Central Asia. For 25 years she worked with the JESUS Film Project, and was
involved in helping distribute the JESUS film throughout Africa and the Middle East.

For the past 10 years, Suzie has worked with the International School Project, a ministry of CRU. Suzie recruits teams for ISP international outreaches, co-leads trips, and travels extensively with ISP to Russia, Mongolia, Ukraine, Central Asia, Guatemala, Honduras, as well as other limited-access countries.

ISP focuses on reaching public school teachers with the Gospel and introduces a curriculum on Christian Morals and Ethics, as well as one on drug and alcohol abuse prevention. Through reaching teachers with the Gospel and empowering them with Christian curriculua, not only are thousands of teachers reached, but hundreds of thousands of students as well.

Suzie and Larry have 5 children, 10 grandchildren, and 3 great-grandchildren.

Suzie LOVES sharing Christ, reading, eating ice cream, and holding grandbabies!

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