Barb Bernlohr


Thanks for considering how you might invest in the next few semi-retirement years after Barb’s long-time career with Athletes in Action, the sports ministry of Cru, (formerly known as Campus Crusade for Christ).  Perhaps, in her current staff emeritus ministry activities, Barb hopes to write a book about the women's athletic history within AIA from 1976 to the present!!!

Before semi-retiring, Barb served as AIA’s only full-time M.P.D. (Ministry Partner Development) or Support Coach:   For a few past 2 springs and   summers,  Barb had primarily worked with some of AIA’s  2nd-year  campus ministry interns and a few new Part-Time Field Staff (PTFS). Their time with AIA started at their Cru/AIA  training weekends (held 3-4 times a year) and then Barb began coaching each one assigned to her, for an hour each week over the phone for the next 3-4 months until they completed their Ministry Partner Teams.   During that M.P.D. time, Barb also used to lead each new intern and new PTFS through 10 modules of Bible study and short videos of basic Biblical Doctrine that Cru requires of all new Intern and PT Field Staff.   Prior to working with these eager and passionate millennials, whom Barb came to thoroughly enjoy as AIA’s next generation of leaders, in the prior 7 years, Barb had “MPD coached” over the phone some of AIA’s newest full-time staff as well as some sr.  AIA staff around the USA when they had to work on their Ministry Partner Development due to the lack of adequate support.

A Cru City S.A.Y. Yes! Program Director: Looking for some in-person, hands-on ministry to go along with all this coaching over the phone, Barb also received some training from the experienced Cru City  S.A.Y. Yes! Center Director, Stacy, who had started a S.A.Y. Yes! Center on Colorado Springs’ westside in 2011.   Barb learned a lot from Stacy  so that for the next 3 school years Barb directed a Cru Save America's Youth (S.A.Y. Yes! ) Center on the east side of Colorado Springs at her local church which mentored at-risk kids 3 afternoons after school each week through the school year.   Barb trained about 10-12 volunteers from her church to help with the great after school program.

Director of AIA Alumni Relations:  Prior to MPD Coaching, Barb also spent 5 years as Director of AIA Alumni Relations.  She had been trying to reconnect AIA Tour Alumni from a list of 25,000 AIA international tour alumni since 1967, (a database which she did clean up to a more accurate list of 12,500.)  In hopes to get these AIA  Int'l. Tour alumni helping to recruit and give(!) back to AIA so that more athletes, coaches, athletic trainers & team leader types could have the joy of serving the Lord through AIA's many awesome opportunities overseas and on AIA projects or Ultimate Training Camps here in the USA!  Barb hopes to write  stories about many these mission tour alums as she write this book about the women's athletics history in AIA!

AIA's International Women's Basketball (WBB) Director: For the first 30 years(!!) of her AIA (Cru) Missionary Career, Barb was AIA's International Women's Basketball (WBB) Director, serving at the AIA National Headquarters in Xenia, Ohio from 1993-2007, in Colorado Springs from 1981-1993, after starting in So. California from 1976-1981.  Over that 30-year span on AIA staff in CO, OH, and CA, Barb was overseer of recruiting and sending out of 82 International WBB tours (and has traveled herself with 26 different WBB and WVB AIA mission teams to 37 different countries!!), helped with 3 Foreign WBB Teams' tours within the USA and was #1 fan of 17 AIA Women's Fall USA Exhibition Tours!!!   No wonder as the first full-time female college athlete to join AIA full-time, as Sports Team staff, Barb finds herself on AIA’s Wall of Fame for pioneering AIA into women’s athletics! 

The move to Colorado Springs:    For family reasons to be closer to her middle brother Jim with M.S. and his two high school & college-age boys who all live up in the Colorado mountains, Barb moved to Colorado Springs, CO in August of 2007 to set up that AIA Alumni Relations office within a Campus Crusade/AIA Office that was already located in Colorado Springs.  

Barb has a passion for missions and kids, training up AIA staff women in the Global Sports Teams area as co-laborers plus training athletes and coaches, particularly in the area of learning the basics of their Christian walk, especially how to effectively share their personal testimony and the Gospel message.     Barb is a die-hard "sports nut" especially college basketball, college volleyball and college (Go UCLA!) or pro football and pro baseball (Go Broncos and Rockies)!

Love of Missions: For years has served as a small group Bible Study Leader at her various churches and continues serving on her local church's missions committee, which she’s done for over 25 years. both when in OH and now again in CO!


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