Karen Horsey


     On November 28, 2018 Dave, my dearest friend and marriage partner of 51 years, suddenly went to be with the Lord.  We were an effective ministry team for 46 of those years serving the Lord worldwide with Cru - living a rich and satisfying life to its fullness.  As Dave begins his forever-life with Jesus, I find great comfort and joy carrying-on with Cru in taking the Good News of Jesus Christ to every nation, tribe and language of the world.

     I continue to work at Cru Headquarters in Orlando, Florida with the VP Global Operations Team.  Our mission is to help fulfill the Great Commission by winning, building and sending through the power of the Holy Spirit and helping the Body of Christ do evangelism and discipleship.  Global Operations contributes to all our area teams around the world by building organizational capacity to accelerate taking the Gospel to everyone everywhere.  Since Dave and I and our family lived internationally  17 years  (10 years in Kenya and 7 years in Germany), I have a heart for helping our National Area Teams overseas lead with information, technology, shared services, financial, and legal services. My team is the "oil that keeps their evangelism and discipleship ministries running effectively."  We have the needed tools, systems, information and processes to help multiply disciples. To God be the glory!  In recent years, the number of multiplying disciples keeps increasing at a rapid rate as the Gospel spreads throughout the world.  As a new widow, I'm so grateful to be working alongside this team of talented-caring men and women with whom I have co-labored for years. They know me, value my administrative/hospitality skills and provide a place with a purpose in serving the Lord with joy.

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