Glen and Barbara separately joined the ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ after graduating from college. They met in southern California where both were serving with Athletes in Action. After getting married, they moved to South Africa where they helped start the Athletes in Action ministry. During 15 years of ministry in that nation, Glen and Barbara also served in the communities of Soweto and Eldorado Park. By God's grace, they were able to develop a thriving sports ministry, which they turned over to national leadership.
After returning to the United States, Glen and Barbara sensed God's leading to reach out to one of the most influential groups in society - university professors. Professors not only impact students through their teaching, but impact all of society by writing textbooks, doing research, and providing expertise on their subjects. For the last half century, atheist and agnostic professors have become the dominant voice on campus while Christian professors have kept silent about their faith. One of the unfortunate results is that more than 75% of students that were actively involved in their church youth groups during high school end up leaving their faith during college. Another result is that fewer Christians feel comfortable becoming professors.
Glen and Barbara are actively reaching out to professors at Kennesaw State University, Georgia Tech and Georgia State University. They have developed a Christian Faculty group at Kennesaw State University and are reaching out to Georgia State University and Georgia Tech faculty as well. Both Glen and Barbara have discipled professors using a curriculum that is specifically designed to help professors make their faith a vital part of everything they do on campus.
The Leckmans had four children - Isaac - the oldest passed away just after his 40th birthday. Leigh (our oldest daughter) is married to Christopher Carrera and lived in Argentina where they were both missionaries for years. Now, they have moved back to the USA and are living with us in Georgia. They have two daughters - Leticia (5) and Sophia (3) as well as a son Ethan, who was born in August 2023. Felicity (our middle daughter) is married and living in Ringgold, Georgia with her husband Ian Pierson and their two daughters - Annabell (10) and Brooke (6); and lastly, Sonya (our youngest), is married to Jens Loso and just gave birth (Oct. 2024) to their first child, a girl named Rue. They are now living near us in Georgia.
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