As God would have it, in 1979, we first met as staff members of Campus Crusade for Christ in San Bernardino, CA. After college, we (Terry from Texas and Marcia from Indiana) followed the Lord's leading to serve at the International Headquarters, Arrowhead Springs, where we were both assigned to the Accounting Dept.
Our Family
In 1982, we married and lived in Dallas. Terry began Masters of Theology studies at Dallas Theological Seminary while Marcia worked diligently for our young family at Republic National Bank. Terry graduated with a ThM in 1986. While in Dallas, we received God's blessing of two amazing sons, David (1984) and Alan (1986).
It's been our privilege to serve in two amazing churches. In 1987, Northwest Community Church, a young, growing San Antonio congregation, invited us to serve as Associate Pastor. In 1997, we moved from San Antonio to Ames, Iowa (home of Iowa State University) to serve as Pastor of Administration at Christ Community Church (formerly First Evangelical Free Church).
In 2016, we began thinking seriously about our next “life stage” and prayed….”Lord, how can we best serve you in the years ahead?” For us, the answer to this one question was informed by many considerations like family, health, and opportunity.
This prayerful consideration eventually led us to pursue serving with Family Life. As we learned about the ministry and thought about our gifts and experience, Lord permitting, we sensed our next step toward Christ would mean serving with Family Life in Little Rock, AR.
By God's grace, we moved from Iowa to Arkansas in January, 2018. As a ministry advisor, Terry began serving individuals, small group leaders, church leaders, and pastors who use Family Life resources. Marcia's first assignment was serving in Family Life's legal department reviewing contracts, agreements, and advising on issues that could compromise Family Life's commitment to "ministry above reproach."
In January, 2020, we began serving together with "Local Movements", a new Family Life strategy to grow sustainable marriage and family ministry by partnering with churches and leaders in local communities.
It really is a joy and privilege that Marcia and I get to work with Family Life, and be a part of bringing Help and Hope to couples and families, one home at a time!
None of this would be possible without the ongoing love and support of our Ministry Partners, who have prayed for us, encouraged us, and financially supported us!
Because of changing financial circumstances, several of our ministry partners have had to reduce or stop their support. Therefore, we are seeking God to add new ministry partners who can give monthly, quarterly or even annually, to insure that we continue to serve in ministry full time.
Will you join us as partners in ministry to help us build Christ-centered marriages and families? Just click the "Give a Gift" button to make an ongoing or one-time contribution. Thank you for your prayers and consideration!
Your Co-laborers for God's glory,
Terry & Marcia
We are grateful for the opportunity to help couples find health and hope in Christ!
Website: http://www.familylife.com
Call us at (888)278-7233 from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ET, Monday-Friday, or email us at eGift@cru.org.
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