Lynn and Teresa Dobosy


Since entering the public schools of Russia in 1991, our ministry the International School Project, has trained more than 75,000 teachers in 17 countries to use Bibles, the powerful JESUS film, and a Christian curriculum that presents Jesus as the moral model for students. More than 32,000,000 students have participated in the program with their teachers.

Many atheistic, Buddhist, or Muslim teachers have become tremendous witnesses for Christ in their classrooms. Not only that, but it all has been endorsed by the Ministry of Education in countries such as Romania, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Ukraine, Taiwan and others. You can go to our website for a video overview.

To become staff members of Campus Crusade, Teresa left her position as a computer programmer, and Lynn came out of public education. To keep us in the field, many individuals have joined with us as prayer or financial partners. To reach us: lynn.dobosy at (replace "at" with "@" in the email address.)

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