Cynthia Todd


I have been on staff for over 40 years!  Unbelievable!!  The last 25+ years have been spent assisting Roger and Sara Randall, former VP of our European ministry and director of the Riviera Partnership team, reaching out to business leaders and influential people living in the south of France.  They relocate to the USA at the end of May 2024.

On June 1, 2024 I start a new job within the CRU family! I have accepted the role of "Communications Director"  for Agape Europe, our CRU ministry in Europe.  

My mission statement is this: "To use my gifts of administration and service to help empower others in Europe and Russia to work more effectively".  This new assignment in 2024 fits my mission statement beautifully.

Thank you for partnering with me!!  If you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail me at:

"A Day in My Life"... comments by others.

Oct 19, 2024: MaryLu wrote: "I'm in awe of you as always."  WOW!  Nice encouragement!  MaryLu has been a ministry partner since the 1980's!!

Oct 3, 2024: I had the opportunity to speak to our Wisdom Cafe Ladies, a talk called "Keeping it Classy".  They loved it and I was relieved because I don't usually speak.  Here's what Patricia said:  "Re: Your talk. I don’t really think it was the article so much as the fun presentation. You have been hiding your talent for public repartee from us."  Hahaha!  That was the Lord speaking thru me!

Aug 20, 2024, one of my new teammates wrote this: "Thank you for sharing. You have all grace and love from me.  I really value your voice and I’m grateful to be working together.  I appreciate you."

Aug 5, 2024: Julie wrote:  "What a blessing to open my email and find such a wonderful message from you on Friday!" Don't ignore God's promptings to write or pray for someone! You could be the encouragement they need today!

May 24, 2024 - Roger wrote: "Thank you for the photo of the three of us. It is filled with 25 years of memories and blessings from our Lord. You have been a blessing in our lives and ministries which we will never forget! We wish you ALL the best in your new job, knowing that you will be a blessing to all the Agape Europe staff. In HIS great love, Roger"

May 23, 2024 - Cynthia wrote: "The Wisdom Cafe has clearly touched our hearts and minds, and what a great continuation committee!  I can see we are in very good hands, and the group approach will add a lot of synergy. "

May 22, 2024 - Sylvia wrote:  "I was pleasantly  surprised to hear how enthusiastic everyone was about continuing the Wisdom Cafe, and how many ideas and suggestions came up."

March 14, 2024 - the value of the Wisdom Cafe in the lives of our women: "Dear Cy, Alas we’re returning to London on Tuesday until the autumn so I won’t see Sara before she leaves for her new home. Sara is such a uniquely wonderful person who made such a positive change in my life. I will miss her tremendously. I certainly hope you will stay in France? Love L xxx"  Yes, I'm staying!

February 22, 2024: "It was lovely to see you and the ladies yesterday. Everyone is so friendly and supportive of each other. It is a highlight of the month." -Patricia

January 31, 2024: "So exciting to hear how the Lord uses you and your many gifts to further His Kingdom." -Laurie  "Excited for you Cy. You’re a great addition to the team. God bless you mightily. -Betsy

January 30, 2024:  Last week while I was attending a conference in Lisbon, Portugal, the Wisdom Cafe soldiered on without me. Apparently there was a bit of chaos... I'd forgotten to tell those with food allergies to notify the waiters... and one gal needing chicken, rather than fish, didn't even show up... so imagine the poor waiter wandering around with the chicken!  After it was all over, one friend remarked: "THREE people are needed to do Cy's job!!"  I got a good chuckle out of that!!  Hope this makes you chuckle too!

January 29, 2024: "Just wanted to say the newsletter looks great! It is great having you as the Communications Lead." -Nicole

January 29, 2024: "Great newsletter! Very informative!" - Marga, assistant to the VP for Europe

December 27, 2023: "Cy you are an example an inspiration. A creator innovator and leader “You go girl”" -Mary

December 16, 2023: "I really appreciate everything you do. You’re very special person you spread the “feel good factor” to all you meet. L xxx"

October 30, 2023: "You don’t know how much the warm, welcoming and wise ladies of the Wisdom Cafe have helped me get through this rather difficult year." -Patty

October 29, 2023: "Dearest Cy,Just to give you a big thank you for helping me and Mike yesterday with my e-mail and the TV. You are a genius. Not only have you got the knowledge but you do it in such a calm and controlled way which one has to admire. Thanks for being such a kind friend. Lots of love from both of us." PM          

September 3, 2023: Kristine, now in California, wrote: "Sending love to you, Sara and all of the wonderful folks associated with the Wisdom Cafe.  I miss you all!"

August 23, 2023:  "I was very excited to be able to support you financially, not only because I knew you had a need, but more to honor your faithfulness in fulfilling your special calling from God. You have touched many lives and through your admin gift you were able to help make the Wisdom Cafe ministry thrive in France!!" - Gail

Aug 17, 2023: "It is MY privilege to be part of your ministry.  This makes me feel as if at least a few of my dollars are now doing what I was called to do so many years ago." - new supporter in Florida

Aug 9, 2023:  "We’d be glad to (increase our monthly financial support of your ministry). You are an inspiration and a faithful servant of Christ and we want you to be able to continue your work." - dear supporters in Michigan

June 26, 2023: From Ministry Partner Jeanne: "Our Lord Jesus is using you in such a meaningful way to reach and teach these ladies about our Lord!  You inspire me to keep going and share my faith with others as God puts them in my life."

June 25, 2023: From Marie-France, one of our Wisdom Cafe ladies from Sweden: "Merci pour toutes ces belles rencontres ,c'est toujours un plaisir de vous rencontrer."  Translation: Thank you for all these beautiful encounters, it's always a pleasure to meet you.

June 24, 2023: From Lin in my Cancer Support Group: "I envy your perpetual optimism. I'm not always so down, but the last three weeks have been painful and frightening. Knowing you all are there is such a blessing. You go in the gratitude journal today!"

Starting again, comments lost from 2021 till June 2023... sigh...  and the photo of the ladies in hats WAS there!!

November 27, 2021:  "Thank you for the very warm welcome I received at the Wisdom Café when I came from the US to the Riviera in 2012. It meant a lot to me and still do. I will miss you a lot but will not say entirely good bye. I hope to return from time to time and to attend various events. -Jean"

November 27, 2021:  "I thank the Lord for your missionary work in Moscow in the 1990-s and our Bible study group that let us get to know you, dearest Cy - our good sister in Christ.   With lots of love and hugs, Natasha from Russia"

October 25, 2021: "Dear Cy, I so enjoyed meeting you and participating in your wonderful uplifting Wisdom Cafe gathering of like minded souls.   Thank you so much for welcoming me with such kindness and care.   I look forward to meet Sara with you next time and I hope she is feeling better now.  With much gratitude, happiness and love." - Glen

October 24, 2021: "Dear Roger , Sara, Cy, just wanted to thank you all for the effort to keep the Wisdom Cafe together even though the weather was not good enough to be,outside....and thank Roger for all his efforts to be in charge of the valuable talk we know is an important part of the Wisdom Cafe.....hope see you again soon....Thank you that I have another copy of Jesus Calling, an important start to my day!  especially during this difficult time,of Covid affecting us all ....guess in Gods,perfect timing  we will see an end.....Have good weekend....In prayers."  -Linda

Sept 27, 2021: "Thank you for a lovely Wisdom Café event under that incredible oak tree. Such a beautiful spot and perfect for our lunch. It was a welcoming day and fantastic to see everyone again after such a long lonely time. I was so happy that I was able to attend. - Jean

Sept 27, 2021: "Hallo Cy, thank you for sending foto and big thank you to you and Sara for organizing this wonderful picnic lunch under that magnificent tree! I think we were all so happy to see each other after all the Covid months…. I came home feeling we had shared a warm friendship!! - Sila"

July 21, 2021, this encouraged me today: "Hi Cy - You get the Sweetie Award for always helping people.  - Nancy"

April 12, 2021, My boss Roger wrote this:  "CY, thank you SO much for all your help these past couple of days.  I DO NOT KNOW what we would do without you!!!"

March 27, 2021, a lovely friend in our Wisdom Cafe Zoom group wrote this:  "You give so much hope and love to the many people who are isolated and feel alone. Thank you."

March 15, 2021  Jesse wrote: "Cy I have always admired your perseverance and courage to go where the Lord leads. Privilege serving alongside you."  Jesse and his wife Tricia represent us to the greater CRU ministry back in the States.  We really appreciate their care!!

Jan 22, 2021 Nan wrote: "Just to say thank you to Cy and Sara for making always this zoom enlightening our day and stimulating our minds!!!!"   Thank the Lord for Zoom during the pandemic/lock-down!

Jan 7, 2021 Gail wrote: "Happy New Year!! Thank You for sharing Gods Love and Hope with others!!"

Jan 6, 2021 Janet wrote: "You are an inspiration to me! May 2021 be an amazing year for you filled with God's many blessings."  We were roommates and staff colleagues in Moscow, Russia many years ago.  I've been blessed with great friends!

October 22, 2020, even during the Covid 19 pandemic, we've carried on with the Wisdom Cafe, via Zoom!!  Thank the Lord for Zoom, and that even our more senior ladies have figured out how to use it!  Yay!!  Here's a comment from Sylvia, who just recently went from a slow internet connection, to a fast satellite connection: "Hi Cy, and Sara thank you for organizing this get together, I really appreciate the Wisdom Cafe!! Love Sila"

October 20, 2020, Zsuzanna from Austria wrote:  "I find it great that you keep The Wisdom Café upright :-)In these hard times this is so very important."

October 13, 2020, Brigitte wrote: "Thank you for keeping the Wisdom Café alive !  We need it !"

October 1, 2020, Linda wrote: "You and Sara have been so great for my faith.  Thank you for all you do, making the Wisdom Cafe a reality for us!"

August 27, 2020: Ray said: "We are so grateful for your ministry in representation of us, for the Lord. Your winsome spirit is a light to all that meet you."

August 21, 2020: Jay said: "You encourage me and give me faith in myself.  I would have been in despair.  You have inspired me.  You have helped others even while you have cancer!"

July 13, 2020: Betsy wrote: "A bit more than a week ago my horse was hot, running and jumping like a rodeo, throwing me off.  I went to hospital, concussion diagnosed, nothing broken.  My wonderful friend Cy took care of me for one week.  Yesterday I felt good enough to go out for pizza. End good, all good. Thanks to you Cy... THANKS SO MUCH"  Another friend replied: "Cy is a true living Angel who was there for me many times too.  God bless you both." -Carolyn

July 2, 2020  One of our "Wisdom Cafe" ladies wrote: "Thank you Cy, You are such a dear, dear person, thank you for your prayer, I feel it.  Call you for a little lunch with the girls next week." -Harriet

July 2, 2020 It's been a while since I've written, dealing with cancer...  but, today I was given the "all clear" for which I am very, very grateful! 

March 31, 2019  Natasha, from Russia wrote: "Do you remember our Moscow home Bible group back in 1991? Oh! It was last century….  28 years ago!  Lorraine, Olga, Lena, Svetlana, Tatiana, Julia and Fariza.  I have put the photo of our Bible group on my bedside table. You are in my heart and in my morning and evening prayers,  Dear Cy. I am glad you have peace and strong faith, and all the fruit of the Spirit be with you and in you.  We love you! We need you!"

March 20, 2019: "Cy, you have done so much for so many, it's now your turn to take care of yourself.  The Wisdom Cafe has given me so much confidence in the Lord, so much confidence to reach out to the other women, to listen and to pray for them.  Imagine, we learn to de-clutter our lives and it leads naturally to seeing Jesus laying down His life for US!!  Where can we hear such good, practical AND Christian teaching on the Riviera?  You must now rest and lean on the Lord.  We need you back." -Linda

February 2, 2019: "Thank you for "listening" and for your beautiful prayers. You have always reminded me of an angel with your sweet, beautiful face and your white hair and the radiance that beams from you which IS the light of Jesus. I truly see Jesus in you. Thank you again for your kind and truly special words. I pray you continue to be blessed while spreading the light of Jesus in the "fog" of France. Much love, Cindy."  I am humbled by these words... and her description of the "fog" of France really caught my attention.  Thanks for praying for the fog to lift and for people to see Jesus in me.

December 16, 2018  Yelena wrote:  "I want to thank you for this amazing moment I spent at the Wisdom Cafe. The lunch was wonderful and I met new lovely and interesting ladies. I love the kindness of all the beautiful women and feel honored to be part of this group." -Yelena (Roger met Yelena, on the street outside his house, as she was searching for a home to sell.  He invited her to the Wisdom Cafe!!  And now she's a regular member!!)

December 10, 2018, "I trust your outreach continues well and the Lord will guide you in your steps in the south of France.  That’s probably the most unique mission field I have ever thought of, but they all need Jesus." -Bill

December 12, 2018,  Princess Francoise wrote: "You are so blessed to always know how to make me always so happy at the right moment.  See you with joy on the 13th.  Francoise"

December 1, 2018,  "I would like to thank you Sara for the wonderful talks about Christian life you had again prepared us this year.  Wishing both of you a joyful Christmas.  With love, Tutta” (one of our Wisdom Cafe gals)

November 6, 2018, Alison wrote: "I hope you all have a good gathering on Thursday.  Do you know what Sara’s theme will be?  I’ll think of you all and ponder on the theme as we make our way through Gatwick Airport at that time!"

November 1, 2018, Suzanne wrote: "So good meeting you.  I always come back home much more positive and hopeful after the Wisdom Cafe! Thank you so much for inviting me.  I will love to participate. Warm wishes, Suzanne"

October 27, 2018:  "That's so cool, Cy.  What you said is so perfect!  God's Word does not return void, and it's a story that I'll remember too when talking with "others".  Your words were definitely from the Holy Spirit!" -Cindy (another Cindy! :)

October 20, 2018:  "Dear Sara and Cy....just a note to say I was so happy to be back to the Wisdom Cafe, the lovely venue , meal and friendships feel so thankful to be a part of this.  Thank you for all your efforts and never know how discussing ‘clearing out’ brings us to discuss the great joy and news of the Good Shepherd....always happy to be reminded!" -Lindy

October 19, 2018: Gail wrote: "God is Good!!  Your gifts and talents are used over and over to touch so many with God's Love!!  You are so able to help others to open their hearts to God's Love!"

October 18, 2018: My boss, Roger, wrote:  "You are an invaluable part of several teams."

August 1, 2018: Sallie wrote: "I just read your post again and so loved thinking about the power of relationships and networking! I do believe you and Sara have found God’s way!!!!"

May 25, 2018: Jeanette wrote:   "I enjoyed yesterday´s Wisdom Café. Always uplifting and positive to attend. Keep it up!"

April 25, 2018: Norm and Sue wrote:  "This is Secretary Day.  We know you are not our personal secretary,  but we thank GOD for you anyway.  We know that Roger and Sara benefit directly from your gracious and helpful assistance.  Bless you as you model in continuing service to the Lord working in Nice."

December 2017: Mark wrote: "Thanks for sharing - this brought tears to my eyes - as Jesus touching and changing hearts always does. Thanks for being my missionary to the Riviera. Keep up the hard, day by day, week by work of building relationships and sharing Jesus."  Thanks to you ALL, for making it possible for me to be here!!

December 2017: "Delighted to know you will be singing accompanied by a harp. So wonderful to have opportunities to use your beautiful voice that God has gifted you with." Gail

November 2017: Gail wrote: "Loved your newsletter and pictures! Sounds like a fabulous and refreshing trip for all of you. Once again, God used your talents and abilities, and your passion and dedication to bring about the experience He desired the women to have. And He gave you His Spirit to accomplish every part of your mission!"

October 2017:  "You are a great example for me of how a Christian should live.  Thank you!" -Marianne, The Netherlands

October 2017:  "Thank you for a wonderful day on Thursday. It was so lovely to be involved with so many friends doing our best to recreate Laura's beautiful artwork. (see picture above)  Sally and I both said how lucky we felt to be part of the Wisdom Cafe.  It was a treat to be in Sara's home too. Thank you both for organizing it."

September 2017: "One encouragement for you today: I had lunch with one of our Wisdom Cafe ladies last week.  As we enjoyed catching up with one another she looked at me seriously and said, "You know, it's because of you and Sara and the Wisdom Cafe that my faith in Christ has been awakened!  Thank you so much for all the work you do to make the Cafe something meaningful for us and for being available to answer all our questions and have good discussions about the Christian faith."

February 25, 2017, Lydia wrote: "...we feel blessed we can support your amazing ministry!  I hope you know how much your kindness meant to me while I was in France.  Glad to have been part of it!"

February 23, 2017, Lynne wrote the following note:
"Just a quick note to say a HUGE "Thank You" to you both for a really lovely lunch yesterday. Many thanks Sara, for opening your home so graciously once again and for creating the opportunity for us all to be surrounded by the beautiful, loving Wisdom Cafe energy - not to mention enjoying wonderful food and wines, and a big thank you too, Cy for everything you do so selflessly in the background to organize, manage the "back of house" and generally make sure that every lunch we share is a special occasion."

December 8, 2016, Lindy wrote: "Hi....thank you as usual for all the work involved to give us such a happy Christmas party....the Wisdom Cafe such a support for so many of us....end of another hope you have a Happy Blessed Christmas ...a time to remind us of the faith we share when we get together."

December 7, 2016  "Dear Cy, You were spectacular last night (Wisdom Cafe Christmas Dessert Party). Thank you for looking after all of us, you do such an efficient job.... and your singing was so very lovely - we are lucky to have you. Thank you.  With love and respect,  Pauline, UK"

March 8, 2016 Françoise wrote:  "Dear Cy, You are present everywhere so well, with always such kindness. You are so special and so talented, we must build a monument for you. Thank you. Thank you for all you are doing and so perfectly."  We met Francoise at a local event some months ago, and at Christmas she attended the carol service at our church!  Today she attended our Tuesday "Wisdom Cafe" and really enjoyed it!

June 19, 2015 Susan wrote: "I know I can never begin to pay you for what you are worth, but I do have something for you for all of your service last week with Olga."

May 5, 2015, one friend wrote: "Cy you are tops on our list. Your servant spirit combines with Can Do attitude... You make things happen.  You also are incredibly loyal."  I really appreciated this encouragement!

May 11, 2015:  Mike wrote: "You are where our Lord wants you to be, you have a gift of engaging personality, as Dianne and I experienced with our lunch with you on your last home visit. I was duly impressed by you and after only meeting you for the first time, I felt like have known you for many years." 

December 3, 2014: Alison wrote:  "Dear Cy: Thank you so much for all your hard work contributing to the great evening.   You worked so hard and I certainly appreciate it.  I thoroughly enjoyed myself with existing and new friends and eating desserts was a real treat.  Then, even more, it was an evening of learning and meaning. Thank you. See you very soon. Alison."

September 7, 2014: Karen wrote: "I have been visiting churches recently and today I was downtown at St. Lukes Church. During their prayer for the people, they prayed for you! I thought it might encourage you to know that."  Oh yes, that's a great encouragement!  Thank you!! 


August 28, 2014: Last night I got to live out my Mission Statement (see above) by helping visiting friends throw a party for their long-time friends here on the Riviera!  I helped in the kitchen, enabling them to reconnect with their friends. We hope that about seven of the women attending will now want to come try out our Tuesday Ladies Lunch and Discussion Group!  Rory sent me this note of encouragement this morning: "You are welcome ANYTIME! What a godsend you are!!!"  THANK YOU, for letting me be a godsend to people around the world!


August 26, 2014: I just heard from Elodi, 2012 Olympian (Beach Volleyball for Mauritius) and AIA Canada staff member. She lived on the Riviera for a year and was involved in our Tuesday Ladies Lunch and Discussion Group.  She wrote: "Hi Cy, It's so great to hear from you and thank you for the update. I will definitely pray for the Tuesday women's group. It was such an impactful time and you guys do such an amazing job there and inspire so many lives to see the light of God that I trust He will continue to use you for His Kingdom."


August 25, 2014: Last night, wearing my event planner hat, I received this comment from a friend: "So very great to see you again last night!  What a fabulous evening.  You help make the world go around here! - Jemma"  Well, I don't know about that, but I'm glad to be a small part of events like these!  It's one more way to make new friends and be seen as a capable, credible Christian on the Riviera!


August 18, 2014.  I just returned from helping with the administration of a week-long "choral singing workshop" where I was one of the few Christians in attendance. Never-the-less, it was a GREAT week and upon my return I received the following thank you note: "Dear Cy, Just to say thank you so much for the whole week with everything in it. It was lovely to meet and spend time with you. All best for the year ahead and your work with CCC, will keep in prayer, Jenny"

November 29, 2013  Os Guinness wrote: Cy, Thanks again. You were such an important part of last night. Well done. See you this evening, Os."

November 29, 2013 "The picture is that of a confident and accomplished woman. I hope that she and her friend will find a real connection with your Lunch and Discussion group. Keep up the unbelievable spiritual networking. God is smiling down on the work you do in His name. Love, Karen"


November 28, 2013 "What a great lunch it was! A superb afternoon perfectly planned as always, was a privilege to be there! George"


November 21, 2013
"Cy, I just took a few minutes to catch up with you via your blog.  Excellent job of communicating.  When or if ever your days on the Riviera are up, I think you could be an excellent communications person.  You've got a great style and tone.  Just wanted you to know your efforts at telling your story are appreciated. Tom"

November 13, 2013  "You are an angel on this earth.  Keep up the good work and the great song and gift of your voice.  Love, Susan"  I am so grateful for ALL my supporters!  I couldn't be here without you!!  THANK YOU!!

October 30, 2013  "Hi dear Cy, So excited by the schedule of the weeks coming. I hope that I could join the group every week and many thanks for the wonderful job of Sara and yours as assistance. For me, you are a source of inspiration, an example to follow. Hugs and love, CLAIRE"


January 10, 2013  A note from my colleague (and boss!): 

"Cy, Happy New Year.  I understand you became house/dog sitter-in-chief during the last few days.  Thanks so much for being willing to serve in that way.  You have many talents but so often you are just willing to be part of the team – and I really appreciate that, and hope that in your heart of hearts you continue to hear “well done” from the Lord.  Cy, even tho most of my direct communication with the team is not directly with you, I am very aware of your vital contribution and so much appreciate all you bring to the table.  A deep thanks from me."  Tom

January 2, 2013  Stacey wrote: "Hi, Cy - I just prayed for you and will continue to do so. God must be bubbling with joy knowing that you are in His service!  Happy New Year, and thank you for your Missions."  I'm always so encouraged to know that people are praying for me.  It's a real privilege!

December 11, 2012       Isabelle wrote: "Thank you so much for helping with coordinating this wonderful luncheon, I had a wonderful time!! Your singing was a real treat, you have been blessed with such a gift!! To top it all off the pictures are a great reflection of of a truly warm and festive time had by all!  Wishing you a Very Merry Christmas and all the best in "2013!" Lots of love, happiness & peace. Isabelle

November 27, 2012   "Happy Birthday Cindy! What a blessing your life has been to others! Hope your special day is filled with fun and laughter. Tom and Pat"

May 16, 2012   "I keep thinking how proud your mom and dad would be. Somehow, I know that they are watching you. IvaLou"

April 22, 2012
"Amazing Grace never sounded so good as when you sang it this morning in church. Especially since I know some of the trials you are going through with your friend Sergei's health." RR

February 5, 2012
After a fund-raising event here in the South of France, Linda wrote:
"Thanks Cy!! You worked so hard on all of this and still managed to take pictures. You are incredible! Trusting God with you and the team here for great outcomes."

January 31, 2012
As we prepared for an upcoming fund-raising event, our host, wrote: "It was very good to see you yesterday and to meet Tom and Linda. Cy is always a pleasure and it was a pleasant surprise to hear that she is working with you. RB"

December 20, 2011
Betty called to say: "I have not enough words to thank you for how you have supported me over the last few months. The prayers have also helped so much. I told God tonight that I am doing a bit better now, so he can direct his help to someone else, for now. But please don't forget me!" I'm sure He won't!! THANK YOU for giving me the opportunity to minister deeply in Betty's life!

November 7, 2011
Dear Cy, I'm pretty sure you are still up, and working, getting ready for Spain. Well, I too, appreciate your accuracy, your cheerfulness, your helpfulness and hard work. Also your heart for the really care about them...the way Jesus does. Have a good night. Love, Susan

October 26, 2011
As I'm organizing an upcoming conference, fellow staff member Hans from the Netherlands wrote: "Very helpful, Cy. I have never worked with such a pleasant and accurate person as you! It gives me great confidence!" And Elfi from Italy wrote: "Thanks for your work. As someone said some time ago, if you are in charge everything will go smoothly and well."

October 11, 2011
I got the following e-mail today from a gal who attended our Lunch and Discussion group last week for the first time. Her name is Susan. She is from Australia.  "Dear Cy, It was such fun! A fabulous lunch with all those lovely woman and in Sara's gorgeous home. I'm not entirely sure where this will end up. I have a somewhat fractious relationship with Our Father, but we hang in there, and it is certainly enjoyable to see the conviction of intelligent practical women making it work for them. Until next time, Susan"

THANK YOU for partnering with me! We are influencing men and women in the south of France and around the world!!

September 24, 2011
As I'm preparing for the upcoming Round Table Forum in Spain, I got the following words of encouragement from fellow staff member, from Cyprus. "Keep up the good work Cy. You're doing a great job and always on time. Don't know what they would do without you!!!" The Round Table Forum is a yearly gathering of our Western European staff leadership. I take care of all the hotel, meals, physical arrangments and transportation for the 150 staff who will attend.

October 22, 2009
I got this e-mail today from a new friend from Albania! She wrote: "I had great time while in Krakow and I learned a lot from God. Thank you Cynthia for helping us and your wonderful work. You did great ! Evis" What was my help and wonderful work? I did admin behind the scenes for our European Breifing weekend, where we gathered business people from Europe and the US, to share together what God is doing to reach Europeans for Christ. As you can see from Evis's message, it was a good weekend!

October 5, 2009
I received the following e-mail encouragement after helping behind the scenes at two outreach dinner parties here in the south of France!
"You've had a busy weekend!! And hopefully ready for another busy and wonderful week!! Thank you again for all your wonderful help Friday and Saturday. And I saw how much you were doing Sunday, as well....wearing lots of hats!! Susan"

September 7, 2009
"Good morning Cy, Just a note to say thank you so much for coming to see me yesterday. You recharged my batteries! Just what I needed The Lord has certainly put you in my life - you always hit the nail on the head its so good to be able to talk with you. It's such a joy. God bless you - have a lovely day - the sun is shining again lots o luv, June."

September 5, 2009
Ministry in the south of France is quite varied. It can be everything from meeting one-on-one to encourage people in their spiritual lives, or it can mean using my musical gifts to sing jazz at a wedding! Roberta wrote: "ahhhh, now that's jazz. Sweet, Cy. You are on your way to becoming quite a versatile performer. Thanks for sharing your gifts. :)"

October 13, 2008
I sure do appreciate these words:
"God sure knew what He was doing when He brought you here to the south of France! I can't tell you what a blessing you are to us Cy! You are so reliable and so capable! Susan"

September 26, 2008
"You are dear to us and we value your being such a remarkable co-laborer. Debby" This was sent just last week by the wife of our director in Eastern Europe! I am very blessed to receive such encouragement!

September 12, 2008
I received this wonderful encouragment earlier this week! "Cy, Great talking with you this morning. I think your being in France was a strategic move for the greater good of Europe! No small undertaking. You are right where God would have you to be, in the palm of His hand! Yahoo kiddo, what a place to be. Love, Susan"

September 1, 2008
I just heard from my Dutch friend Betty who lives part time here in the south of France and part time in Holland. She attends our Tuesday Lunch and Discussion group when she's here. I helped connect her with our National Director in Holland! Here is her report: "Dear Cy, I am greatfull to you that you asked Delja to make contact with me. Last Sunday morning she called me and there was inmediately a good conversation/contact. I hope we can be together -soon- for a meeting in the coming weeks. Betty"

September 1, 2008
I'm helping to administrate a conference for 50 European staff women. One will come from Jordan! I'll be helping her get a visa. Her director wrote: "Yes, this is like old times. I always enjoy working with you. And it is Switzerland again. Wilma"

August 7, 2008
We are launching a prayer site for Europe. I got the following message from one of the site admins: "Thanks for helping with this, Cy. It takes a push from many to really get this out there. Linda" I'm happy to be in a possition to help, even if only just bit!

August 6, 2008
A colleague from Orlando wrote: "What would we do without your problem solving on a regular basis? Susan" I'm sure they would manage, but it's nice to be appreciated and seen as a problem solver!

August 4, 2008
I'm helping again with a Significant Woman Conference, this time in Europe in October! My collegue and friend Melissa wrote the following: "It is so great for me to know that Cy is willing, able and is helping me! She is a blessing for sure!"

July 30, 2008
Yikes! It's been forever since I've updated this page. So sorry! It's not that nothing has happened, but that I've been so busy!! And living in a new culture! THANK YOU for making it possible for me to be here!

February 7, 2008
I was arranging a meeting place in Frankfurt, Germany for our Eastern European Director and our boss, the Vice President for Europe and Russia. Got the following msg from the EE Director: "Thank you, Cy, for your work on it. Since it is in your hands, we dont worry at all." Larry

January 18, 2008
Due to settling in in France, I won't attend the Eastern European All Staff Conference outside of Budapest, Hungary this year. Our Chief of Staff wrote: "Well miss you. Everyone has been saying that it wont be the same without Cy. Hope the transition goes well. Tom"

January 17, 2008
One of our staff in Slovakia asked for some help with a salary increase. I let him know how to accomplish it. He wrote back the following: "Thanks Cy! I figured I would hear back from you. What a faithful servant you are! Grace and peace, Doug"

January 15, 2008
Today I helped one of our CCC Board members get in touch with our Director of Affairs (DOA) for Western Europe. The Board member wrote: "You're the best across the miles, too, Cy! Some things never change!! merci, Cobie"

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