Damien and Jung Hye Brooks


We serve in Cru’s Global President's staff team as missionaries to help build spiritual movements everywhere by supporting and connecting Global Leaders through the vehicle of conferences and trainings. In our Global Leadership role our work effects our student led, church movements, leader led, digital, Jesus Film, and many other strategies all over the world.

One of our fellow missionaries sent this thank you which gives a glimpse of what we have the honor of being a part of:​

"Ive seen it time after time. God uses conferences to changes peoples lives. Thank you for your work to make XTrack a success. Late nights followed by early mornings made life hectic for you. But your work paid off as missionary candidates experienced a seamless 5 week training. I know it took a lot out of you. But I am so grateful to you, and to your supporters. You work with excellence, and with such a heart of hospitality, care and expertise. Thank you for using your strengths to help us send the next generation of missionaries to the mission field around the world. Sincerely, Sarah"

Thank you for your love, prayer, and financial support!

Website: http://brooksministry.blogspot.com/

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