Reaching Students for Jesus

#0785095 - Gospel Expansion - Taking Jesus to Students

Lizzie began attending Christina’s Bible study.

At first, she didn’t say much. But her interest continued to grow.

When it came time for Cru’s Fall Retreat, Lizzie said she couldn’t afford to go. But thankfully, a friend like you came through with a scholarship!

At the Retreat, Lizzie became more connected to the Body of Christ, having good conversations with other students and staff.

She realized afterward how fed up she was with the life she was living. One night, it all finally clicked.

As another Cru student shared Romans 7:14-25, she saw how completely her sinful nature had taken control of her life. Suddenly, she wanted the Holy Spirit to take control!

Lizzie decided, then and there, it was time to follow Jesus as her Lord and Savior.

Since that night, Christina says, “Lizzy has shared her amazing testimony and the Gospel countless times — she loves sharing Jesus with others!”

THIS is the kind of life-change you make possible through your support of the campus ministry of Cru.

God bless you for your compassion for the next generation!



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