Karen and I have been on staff with Cru (Campus Crusade for Christ International) for over 40 years. We are part of a team that is partnering to make Jesus known, multiply the church and serve the city. Dave is the Executive Director of Church Movements and Karen serves as Northeast Cohort Leader and as Staff Care Mentor.
Our culture is increasingly post-Christian. 2.5 million people leave the church every year. 160 million people define themselves as post-Christian (don’t believe God, do not go to church, do not believe in the Bible). The U.S. has approximately 55 million foreign born immigrants - diaspora peoples. The overwhelming majority are not from Christian backgrounds. The U.S. ranks as the 6th nation in the world with the most non-Christians (160 Million). They need to know and experience the love of Jesus Christ.
What a moment for the Church!
Vision - help every man, woman and child know the gospel and experience the love of Jesus Christ through a multiplying faith community.
Picture transformative, multiplying churches in every segment of American cities that saturate the city with the gospel in Word and deed.
Mission - partnering to make Jesus known, multiply the church and serve the city
We work with church and city movement leaders in over 40 US cities, bringing staff and engaged followers of Jesus and churches dedicated to this mission.
Our Core Contributions
- Co-Laborers who Support and Initiate Church Multiplication
- We serve, encourage and equip local churches for spiritual multiplication.
- Where little or no witness is evident (as among immigrants or in urban core spaces), we help develop church-planting movements through our staff, partners and local churches.
- We are not independently planting churches. Yet, we directly assist in planting churches with other groups.
- Promote Strategic Partnerships for City Engagement
- We believe that in expressing the heart of God, well-being issues must be pursued intentionally (literacy, job creation, freedom from sex slavery, racial harmony, home security, safety, etc.). As city leaders unite to work together, opportunities for the Church to serve the city emerge – pathways are created, communities transform, missional communities and churches multiply. We unite with conveners of city gospel movements, and take part in multiple local and national city leadership networks.
- Gospel Engagement Strategies
- We encourage and resource conversational evangelism for all in the Church.
- We also help leaders in their stewardship to develop comprehensive evangelism plans.
- Equipping for Evangelism, Discipleship and Leadership Development
- We help expand the boundaries of the Church in mission with ways to build new multiplying disciples. Our training processes include coaching and follow-through. Each offering incorporates the values we’ve learned from our partnerships in 192 nations, biblical theology, essential principles for multiplication, and best practices in evangelism, discipleship, leadership development and team building.
We are also responsible for training teachers in Hungary in a curriculum Dave helped author (Youth at the Threshold of Life) that is accredited by the Hungarian Ministry of Education and used in 899 cities in Hungary. This curriculum includes the Gospel and the Jesus Film. See this short video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s2Cux_fyxBc#t=11
If you would like to get a bigger picture of what God is doing and learn more about us you can order a book I wrote with my good friend Gábor Grész, The Outrageous Promise, by emailing us at: dave.robinson@cru.org or you can find it in many book outlets online.
For More Information check out these resources:
It's a privilege for us to be able to represent you on this frontier, as we endeavor to help advance the mission of Jesus for the Gospel transformation and well-being of the cities of the world.