Andy and Janie Henry


Welcome to our web page. We are Andy and Janie Henry, missionaries with Cru. If you know the joy of a personal relationship with Jesus, then you are at the threshold of an opportunity to connect with God’s work through us and the ministry of Cru. If you have never had a chance to know Jesus Christ personally, then we invite you to explore  and what it means to have a relationship with Jesus Christ. Then send us a note with what you think and any questions you might have.

Andy and Janie both serve with the Jesus Film Project. Their mission is to offer people life-changing encounters with Jesus through the JESUS Film and other media. The JESUS Film (Watch now) presents Jesus according to the Gospel of Luke, with an explanation and invitation to receive Christ at the end. Making the gospel more accessible for people around the world involves much work to produce new language versions, expand distribution, and manage operations. Andy serves on the Software Engineering team, helping to leverage technology and automation to accelerate the production of new language versions of the film. Janie is part of the Human Resources team,  helping to increase and equip new and senior staff through coaching them to have adequate financial support and ministry training. For past prayer letters click here


We both committed our lives to Christ in the same year, 1975, but half way around the world from each other. Janie received Christ at a Billy Graham Crusade in Hong Kong, while Andy did so at a Bible study in Sacramento, CA.

After wandering spiritually for a few years, Andy settled in a church within the Chinese community where he got grounded in his faith. While obtaining a degree in Computer Science at California State University, Sacramento, he participated in Campus Crusade for Christ (Cru). God used that experience to impress upon Andy the value of serving the Lord as a vocational missionary and so he joined Cru after graduation in 1983.

Janie meanwhile, continued to grow in her faith and was active in church. She finished her education and became a teacher. Eventually, she came to America and obtained a degree at Cal Poly, Pomona in Hotel and Restaurant Management. Janie and Andy met through the Cru ministry at Cal Poly, Pomona that Andy was helping lead. Upon graduation in 1987, Janie also joined the staff of Cru. Shortly thereafter she and Andy were wed.

Over the years we have been involved in building student movements on campuses both in Southern California and East Asia, reaching people through Internet Ministry and now giving people the opportunity to see and hear Jesus in their heart language through the Jesus film.

We are based out of Cru's International Headquarters in Orlando, FL.  We also have two grown children and two grandchildren.


In Matthew 9:37 Jesus said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.  Therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest.” Today, missions is a team effort. It a combination of missionaries, volunteers and people like yourself, each doing their part so that more can be accomplished beyond the efforts of one person. Come partner with Andy and Janie to help expand the Lord’s harvest and develop more workers.


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