Paul and Sue Johnson


What could happen in your community if more business executives and professionals began to serve Christ? Through the LeaderImpact strategy, Christ has changed the lives of many leaders across the country and around the world who have then had a profound impact on their families, their companies, and their communities.

It was through Executive Ministries (now LeaderImpact, a part of Cru City) that we began vital relationships with Jesus Christ in 1980. We used our platform as business owners to help facilitate and direct the ministry as volunteers in our city for the next 18 years. In 1999 we joined staff to help turn lost marketplace influencers into Christ-centered transformational leaders.

It is a joy to equip Christian executives and their spouses to use the blessings of their business success to point their peers to Christ and then disciple them to do the same. The key components of our ministry are distinctive evangelistic outreaches, dynamic Bible discussion groups, and leadership training.

Our first mission location was the fast-growing Sunbelt city of Greenville, South Carolina.  In 2005 we also began working closely with business and staff couples in southern Poland who had a God-sized vision to reach leaders throughout Eastern Europe! As interest grew in other cities in Poland, and other countries in the region, we expanded our time there to 7 months each year.  

In March 2017, we relocated full-time to Tirana, the capital of Albania.  Every time we visited there to assist with ministry to young professionals, we recognized that God is doing an amazing work among these remarkably open people. The LeaderImpact director tasked us with starting this ministry to senior leaders. The Lord quickly provided access to some of the nation's top business leaders, several of whom regularly attend our small group meetings. A few placed their faith in Christ and have grown into solid believers. After the pandemic, several government officials began to attend our events, one of whom has become a trusted partner and small group leader.

After several years of fruitful ministry, it became evident that we needed to move our base of operations back to the States. In June 2024 we relocated to Coeur d'Alene Idaho where our daughter, her husband and our 4 grandchildren live. We joined Cru City Global - Europe to serve on Josh Irby's virtual team scattered across the US. This allows us to keep involved in LeaderImpact Europe, visiting Albania and other countries once or twice a year, planning and putting on conferences, and working on other projects relevant to resource the ministry there.

May God continue to use us to faithfully help evangelize European leaders who don't yet know Christ, disciple those who do, and equip growing believers to do the same! 

Your prayers and financial support are essential to the effectiveness of this strategic ministry.

Thank you for your partnership for the gospel! Paul and Sue

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