Tracy and Julie Dykes


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We’re Tracy & Julie Dykes and we serve with Cru's mk2mk team in Orlando, Florida.  During our 14 years on the mission field in Bulgaria, our family was blessed by the ministry of mk2mk.  We were richly resourced as parents of MKs/TCKs (missionary kids/third-culture kids), and our boys experienced care, community and opportunity for spiritual growth and service.  Raising our own MKs has given us first-hand insight into the needs, challenges, and blessings of the MK experience.

mk2mk (Missionary Kid To Missionary Kid) is a ministry of Cru that exists to serve missionary families on the field and in transition. We offer care and discipleship to MKs from elementary school through college age, so they understand and live out their identity in Christ and embrace their unique identity as MKs. We also resource parents raising kids overseas so they might thrive in their lives and calling to bring the Gospel of Jesus to others.

Tracy trains interns and new staff on our team, gives biblical and theological input into curriculum used by mk2mk, and co-leads a middle school Bible study. Julie is involved in local kids ministry to families in transition, assists with team finances, and leads virtual avenues with MKs around the world. We both help plan and lead conferences, summer missions and care trips.

We’ve been married and with Cru since 1988 serving in various roles internationally and in the US. 

Our Kids: Timo and his wife Katie work at Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, NC. Max is pursuing a Master's Degree in Physics at the Frei Universitat in Berlin, Germany.

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