Wade and Christine Mantlo


Our desire is to see God's Kingdom expanded throughout the earth!  When Jesus came He brought a call to realign our thinking and actions to the reign of the King!  He taught His followers about the nature of this Kingdom and taught them to pray for it to come to earth.  The scope of his ministry was to bring this message to "all the towns of Israel" (Lk 4:43) and his ministry was to prepare His followers so that they could take the gospel of the Kingdom to be "proclaimed throughout the world as a testimony to all nations." (Mt 24:14).  And since that time followers of Jesus have been working to see that vision fulfilled.

Today there are over 7 billion people alive.  Only 2 billion would identify themselves as Christians.  That leaves 5 billion who either are willfully not following Christ or who have never even had a chance to hear about Him.  We believe God is calling His people to something extraordinary in these days - to help start a church for every 1,000 people amongst the 5 billion non-Christians.   That is 5 million new churches!

After 9 years of serving as the Southeast Asia Global Church Movements (GCM) Strategy Leaders, we moved to Cru's International Headquarters in Orlando, FL to join the GCM Vice President's Field Strategies Team.  GCM exists to help fulfill the Great Commission through multiplying churches and faith communities. We serve the 1,500+ staff located in 140 countries around the world through training, resourcing and coaching. The Lord has used our staff and partners to plant hundreds of thousands of new churches since 2010. Here is a great example of what the Lord is doing.

We count it a privilege to be a part of serving the Lord in this way.  Thank you for prayerfully considering partnering with us. Your consistent monthly investment will allow us to focus our full time in helping take the gospel to those most unreached.  Together we can lay up treasures in heaven and have an eternal impact in lives throughout the world as partners in ministry.

You can give a gift online by clicking on the "Give a Gift" button or follow the instructions to give by mail (designate to: acct # 0429149)

Please contact us if you have any questions.


Website: themantlos.info

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