Jon and Cheryl Peli


​Peli's Ministry:

A friend once said to us, “You are a Great Commission Family!”  

Since joining staff with Campus Crusade for Christ in 1993 we have been committed to helping others know the unsurpassing love of Christ and experience his joy and hope daily.  Cheryl and Jon met as college students at University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. 

We joined staff separately with Jon serving on campus and Cheryl doing a one year stint in Thailand.  We married in 1997 and served as local leaders at UW-Oshkosh for 12 years where we saw a wonderful ministry develop and had our three boys, Noah, Jack and Ethan.

In 2008 the Lord led us to step out in faith and serve in East Asia. This was quite a change but was an amazing experience to see God’s faithfulness. We enjoyed spending 8 years as campus leaders in the western part of the country. In 2016 we were asked to move to the capital and serve on the Area team as the Fund Development Director for East Asia. 

In 2019 the ministry began experiencing difficulties from the authorities and then in 2020 COVID-19 occurred. We were unable to return to our home in East Asia so we transitioned back to the United States. 

Jon currently serves on the Global Partner Development team with a vision to help over 175 national ministries become self-sustainable. Cheryl is the Chief of Staff of the US Missions team and serves with Global Advancement helping with events and partner engagement.

We have recently purchased a home in Orlando and are looking forward to the next adventure God has for us!

​How can I help?

As a non-profit organization, Cru requires  all staff members to raise their own financial support.   This is a faith step for each staff member.  

This process has provided faithful partners who have become lifelong friends who care about us and pray for us regularly.

Our commitment is to work hard in helping fulfill the Great Commission in whatever role God has for them and to  regularly update our partners about our activities through newsletters.

Thank you for considering partnering with us.


Jon and Cheryl Peli

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