Paul and Melissa Scholten


     As staff members with Cru since 1995, we have seen God transform lives both here and overseas with His love and grace. Our heart is that through evangelism, discipleship and innovation God will continue to use us to show young people the truth of Christ and encourage them to live a passionate and authentic life for Him.Our world is lost, and needs hope. Hope has a name, and His name is Jesus.  We want to bring Hope through digital strategies to the most unreached parts of the world.  We, as followers of Christ, cannot miss this unique opportunity of reaching people where they are at...through the four-inch screen of their smartphones!  Working with the Jesus Film Project® gives us the opportunity to collaborate with other digital strategists who want to reach "Everyone, Everywhere."But we can’t do it alone.           

     So we ask others to partner with us in our movements of evangelism and discipleship. We also need partners like you to pray and give financially to this vital work.  Cru has no central funds so your donation makes the difference for us and for the students we serve. Your help is needed and appreciated.      

     As of August 2024, we are trusting God to find 10 new partners giving the equivalent of $100 per month, and 5 others who would give an annual gift of $1000. Would you be able to join with us by joining our team of monthly/annual partners at any amount? Our dream of longevity in impacting people for Christ is dependent on completing this team of financial partners. This will help us continue to put the gospel within arms’ reach of these influential future leaders. As a team, we can help find lost people and connect them to Jesus! It would be an honor to have you join with us as a partner in reaching students.         

Thank you for your prayerful consideration!                  

Paul & Melissa, Aiden, Nora, Fin and Amelia

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