Brooks and Meghan Shull


Brooks currently serves on the leadership team of Unto® as the Chief of Staff and Chief Operating Officer (COO).  Unto exists to express the kindness of Jesus in the toughest places on earth by relieving suffering, restoring dignity, and revealing hope.  Unto accelerates spiritual movements everywhere through humanitarian kindness which helps Cru staff members and their partners to gain access, build credibility, and increase effectiveness in ministry.  We provide humanitarian coaching and resources to our Cru partners who work in more than 190 countries in the world. We accomplish our mission through three programs: Food and Agriculture, Clean Water, and Critical Aid.

Meghan currently serves as the Global Production Manager for the Jesus Film Project.  She leads the team of staff who oversee the translation of the Jesus film into different languages throughout the globe, with the goal of giving everyone the chance to experience and meet Jesus in their heart language.                                             


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