Erik and Renee Williams


Renee and Katelyn are going to Cuba!!

We have a special opportunity to partner with Filters of Hope and Cru to take clean water and the Living Water!  Would you prayerfully consider partnering with us?  This opportunity came to us a week before the deadline to join and we sensed God calling us.  We are on the trip May 7-14.  Please pray for us as we prepare.  If you are able to contribute financially, please click "give a gift!!"  We are honored and excited for this opportunity!

Erik & Renee Williams

Cru City and Cru Women's Resources in Miami, Florida

We moved to Miami in 2001 with a passion for God, His Good News and people.  Working with Cru, we have seen the power of the Gospel change countless lives, including our own.  We are humbled to serve in this great city, known as one of the least churched in America.  Miami is multicultural, multi-lingual, metropolitan and in need of a light in the darkness.

Erik serves with Cru City and Renee serves with Cru Women's Resources.  

Like many missionaries, as Cru staff members, we depend on the consistent financial support of individuals and churches for our ministry.  We are honored to partner to make an eternal difference!  The "give a gift" link provides the opportunity for a safe and tax-deductible gift.

Erik majored in Mechanical Engineering at Georgia Tech, where he first saw God change his life through Biblical community with Campus Crusade for Christ.  After graduation in 1994, Erik worked with AT&T and R-Max for three years and joined full-time staff with Campus Crusade in 1997. Renee majored in Kinesiology at the University of Arkansas.  After graduation in 1992, she joined CCC and moved to Albania for two years to reach college students. She then worked with Cru at the University of Alabama and the University of Southern Mississippi.  Erik joined the team in Mississippi and the rest is history!  

We married and moved to Miami in 2001 for a one year STINT.  Twenty-two years later, we still love it.  We have served in various capacities with Miami Cru and are thankful to be in this great city.  We have three special gifts from God:  Katelyn (19), Bryce (17) and Asher (15).  We would love to hear from you!! &    

Thank you for stopping by!! 


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