Thanks so much for looking for us online, or perhaps just finding our page. We're grateful that you would consider a gift toward our ministry.
I'm in my 23rd year on staff with Cru; Jenny is in her 16th. After many years in campus ministry and leading that team here in Cleveland, we sensed a need to help students and young adults bridge from their collegiate experience to life in the larger community, to find their place in God’s story, for the good of the city.
Twenty-somethings are disappearing from our churches, “deconstructing” their faith, sometimes finding their way back to the church, sometimes identifying new forms and underground expressions, sometimes never returning. Their social networks are fluid and transient. Reaching twenty-somethings will largely happen through spirit-filled, emotionally-whole peers sharing out of their own intimacy with Jesus. We want to grow that peer network.
So we work to bridge those underground expressions with the established, institutional church. We journey with nones and dones, to hopefully meet Jesus afresh. And we guide followers of Jesus toward greater love and fruitfulness in the Kingdom, resourcing, equipping and mobilizing them for the good works God has called them to. We are not creating followings or planting brand flags. We partner with local pastors because we believe in the power and beauty of the church and the potential of God’s people.
In addition to serving twenty-somethings, we collaborate with like-minded local pastors for church-planting and caring for the city. God is doing something unusual here among a diverse group of pastors and ministry leaders who are committed to cooperating to that end. We bring decades of missionary experience, theory, and practice to those efforts, always with our ears to the ground listening for the heart cries of those who have yet not known Jesus.
Personally, we are passionate about the vitality and health of the church and about “teaching them to obey all that I have commanded,” with concern for the marginalized and loving neighbor being central to our Christian ethic -- and embodied holistic proclamation of the good news of Jesus. We are personally working to bridge racial divides as we seek shalom together.
An investment in us is an investment in the church in Cleveland, and we pray that we show ourselves worthy of each investment.