Nancy Alvarez


Christ has changed our lives and continues to make a world of difference in coping with this crazy world we live in! We long for others to experience His peace and help in the midst of their personal crises, just as we have.

We have a passion to reach those in Southeast Asia and religiously oppressive environments.And that is what is happening through the ministry of Story Runners, which uses Oral Bible Story Telling for evangelism, disipleship, church planting and language translation. By putting a set of 42 stories from Creation to Christ's Return into the heart language of people groups throughout Southeast Asia people can have a culturally appropriate way to connect with God's Word. Many people throughout the world learn best through listening to and discussing a story rather than traditional methods of reading or lectures.

We gather groups to learn how to tell God's stories in an accurate but short, simplifed manner. Then we coach them to go out and share the stories,and then start small groups using a different story each week. These small groups can grow into multiplying house churches! A simple but effective strategy.

The Lord opened doors for us to go to some restrictive access people groups throughout Southeast Asia. Since there are no printed materials used in story telling no incriminating evidence is left behind! Storying can be done with any age, anywhere and in a short amount of time. It is a low key, non-threatening way of sharing God's Word. 

We also train people how to translate the stories into their heart language and we are looking for those who are willing to do that. We plan to continue developing story sets in those languages where people don't have a Bible and/or prefer to hear God's stories rather than read the Bible.

"We  will tell the next generation the wonders He has done. He commanded our forefathers to teach their children so the next generation would know even the children yet to be born who would tell their children” That’s 5 generations! (Psalm 78:1-7, New International Version)

The Book of Acts describes an early church that grew rapidly by the power of God without modern media.  Back then, people simply told the stories of Jesus’ life and ministry to people who told more people, who told even more people!

We can’t do this alone. We need partners willing to send us to Asia so we can continue training national leaders to take God's Stories to those who have not yet heard, understood and received Christ. Please join with us through giving, prayer and joining us on the field. Contact us to learn more: or

Until the Whole World Hears!






















We can't do this ministry, though, without the financial support of friends like you! How we praise God for His faithful provision during the last 27 years we have been serving Him. It is exciting to hear how He has blessed others through their partnership with us.

Its all by His grace, for His glory! "Declare His glory among the nations, His wonderful deeds among the peoples" (Ps.96:4)

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