Mel Copenny


Hello and thank you for visiting!

I am a lead editorial strategist, editor-in-chief, and journalist located in Orlando, Florida who’s cultivated a flourishing 23-year ministry career. By God's grace and kindness, I have the opportunity to reach and encourage people in the U.S. and beyond with the truth of Jesus Christ through the ministry of digital strategy.

My strategic work centers on four areas I give leadership to that have national and international influence:

  • Content curator and strategist for the Cru Newsletter that has a growing global audience of 60,000+ people.
  • Lead editorial decision maker, spokesperson, visionary, production editor and story editor for Cru Storylines.
  • Spokesperson and council member for the editorial council, connecting the dots between the products I lead and the council’s engagement and insights on their development. 
  • Strategic consultant to Cru Resources, giving integration guidance for products created into Cru’s digital ecosystem.

As my department, U.S. Digital Strategies, continues to trust the Lord with the incredible opportunities in front of us for global digital ministry, I wanted to share a few encouraging things with you that illustrate the scope of partnering with me in this season: 

  • 1 million+ visitors engage with our digital properties in Cru each month. 
  • My department aims to be champions for digital maturity in Cru so that we can expand, respond and multiply with digital ministry in all that we do. 
  • One example of the impact of our digital ministry is the GodTools app, whose developers strive to make it the most effective resource for learning and doing evangelism globally. 
A product leader with GodTools, shares, “Ultimately, we want to make GodTools the best it can be for everyone. Whether you’re in Marrakesh, Medellin, or Manila, GodTools is designed to help you learn to share your faith and actually do it too.” 

A special part of my work includes a blessed team of ministry partners – individuals, couples, families, and churches – who partner with me through their prayers and their monthly, quarterly, and annual financial giving that fuels this significant work and reaches millions with the gospel. 

I partner with my team by praying for them, sending regular updates of what God is doing through our ministry, and ministering fruitfully through their investment in God's work. 

God continues to be faithful. He's blessed my journey of living a life of faith for more than two decades as I've served in the U.S. and globally. Thank you so much for your desire to partner with me.  ​

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