We are so honored you want to know more about joining our team! God called us after we retired from the Air Force as full-time missionaries with Campus Crusade for Christ, International (named Cru in the U.S.). We are the Global Directors for the Military Ministry of Cru. We serve those (Military, police, customs, etc) who DO NOT wear the US uniform in over 35 nations.
We have been married over 39 years and have three great "adult" children.
We continue to apply Proverbs 3:5 & 6 throughout our ministry. We do trust Him with all our hearts to make our paths straight. We serve in a global ministry and rely on the Lord’s direction and guidance. Our primary responsibilities include serving with indigenous leaders in over 35 nations to bring the gospel message of hope and healing to the international military members and their families. We help provide discipleship training; marriage support and assist in building spiritual movements in countries such as Kenya, Rwanda, Cameroon, Mongolia, Ukraine, Romania, Ecuador, Honduras, and the Philippines.
Your financial support and prayers help us to bring a pure gospel message to not only to our U.S. forces but also to the military leaders and families globally. We would love to send you our prayer letter if you aren’t receiving it already. Please contact us at Daryl.jones@CruMilitary.org or Martha.jones@CruMilitary.org in order to help us connect with you.
May God continue to prosper you and your family!
Daryl and Martha
Website: www.crumilitary.org
Call us at (888)278-7233 from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ET, Monday-Friday, or email us at eGift@cru.org.
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