Erin Jones


Erin’s life was significantly impacted by her years as a student in Cru at the University of North Florida. At a time in life when she was desperately seeking for her identity, Cru staff and students met her where she was and helped cut through the confusion by pointing her to the heart of God. 

In 2014, God allowed her and her husband, Joel, to return to their alma mater as campus field staff. For six years, it was a joy to pour into student’s lives the same truths that they had come to build their lives on. By God’s grace, they introduced these students to Jesus, created life-changing community, and equipped students to live their lives on a mission, so that upon graduation, 100% of their students were able to share Jesus wherever they were sent. 

In 2019, God opened another door for Erin to continue her work in the Kingdom and mission of Cru by transitioning to a national People & Culture Team. As part of this team Erin now serves as the Coordinator for Interns & Part Time Field Staff in Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, Alabama, and Missisippi. Through caring for staff from their point of entry at the application process to their ongoing field work she has the opportunity to help keep staff in healthy places and on healthy teams so that their longevity and capacity is high to continue serving with Cru for the Kingdom. 

Thank you for coming alongside Erin in the mobilization of missionaries so that the Gospel can advance with greater speed and effectiveness. As we help fulfill the Great Commission, we shape the culture of Cru by sending and developing missionaries, equipping life-long followers of Jesus.

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