Thomas and Karen Waters


Jersey Metro Cru
Jersey Metro Team Leaders

"By all possible means, let us make Christ fully known by expanding God's kingdom on every campus influencing the state and ultimately the world."

About 1% of the world's population is made up of college students. From this "Powerful Percent" will come the future leaders of tomorrow. By impacting the campus today we are making a difference for the world tomorrow.

Our passion is to show the college students of today that life has a purpose beyond the "rat race" of society and the mundane of the day to day. True hope does not come in making the most money or in the parties on the weekends it is found in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Will you join with us in bringing this message of hope to the college students of New Jersey and the world? Your partnership through a monthly commitment or a one-time gift can make an eternal difference in the lives of students. We appreciate your prayerful consideration and look forward to partnering with you.

Check us out on the web: Jersey Metro websiteCru website

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