Royce and Liz Baker


Hello Friends! Royce and Liz Baker here. We've served with Cru for over 20 years--the bulk of that time ministering to college students in Cincinnati, where Royce served as a campus team leader from 2013-2020 and Liz served as senior campus staff until 2024. 
Recently, Liz has stepped into the role of International Missions Director for Europe. She gets to spend her time developing strategic partnerships between campus ministries in the US and campuses all across Europe. Liz describes Europe as "functionally unreached" meaning that most students you meet in Europe have never met anyone who walks with Jesus. We are trusting God to send a new wave of revival to the continent and hoping that He might use US college students who have been trained and equipped to reach their peers with the hope of Jesus towards that end.
Royce serves as a Mobilization Director with Cru, working in close proximity with campus leaders across the country. From the inception, Cru has been committed to fulfilling the Great Commission by reaching the college campus today, believing that college students will change the world tomorrow. Royce is working to help launch a generation of students into that great Kingdom effort during this crucial cultural moment. 
Imagine the impact these architects, nurses, engineers, and teachers could make if they were leveraging their lives for God and for their neighbor. We long to see the college students across the country and around the world know and experience the life-giving and world-changing hope of Jesus.
We have four little Bakers (Annelise 15, Maribelle 13, Abbott 11, Genevieve 8) and we love playing outdoors, going for family walks, watching Ohio State football, and running half-marathons!
We would love to talk with you more about our current ministry with Cru, and even to help connect students you know with Cru on their campus, and see if there would be any ways that you could help partner with us to reach this current generation of future influencers.
As you read this, would you prayerfully consider financially partnering with our family at $100 monthly or some other amount? Or to consider a one-time / annual gift of $1000 or $5000? You can also e-mail us at with any questions. We'd love to hear from you!
Royce and Liz Baker


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