Robert Trierweiler


Bob and Janice are Staff Emeritus, who retired from full-time ministry with Cru November 2021. 

They currently serve as volunteers with Cru and are allowed to raise funds to cover ministry expenses.

Bob was a full-time missionary with Cru for 16 years, following a 30-year career as a business and real estate lawyer. He served at Cru’s World Headquarters, in the General Counsel’s Office, as Senior Legal Counsel and Director of Legal Ministries. In 2008 he founded Faith and Law Around the Globe (FLAG), an initiative designed to equip and mobilize legal professionals around the world to use their influence for Kingdom purposes. He served as International Director of FLAG from 2008-2021, and continues to be involved.

Janice was a full-time missionary with Cru for nearly 43 years. She served in the Music Ministry, City Ministry (Indianapolis, IN) and at the World Headquarters.

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