Robert and April Brooks


Robert and April Brooks have been on staff with Athletes in Action since 2005 where they enjoy serving athletes and impacting their community for Christ.  Robert and April are part of AIA's Pro Ministry where Robert serves as Chaplain for the Cleveland Browns.  The Brooks Family moved to Cleveland, Ohio in 2012 after serving  as Campus Directors at the University of Pittsburgh for 6 1/2 years.  Their ministry verse: Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding.  In all your ways, acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths" has been their guidepost as God has shaped and molded them as individuals, ministers, and as a family.  Robert and April have 5 beautiful children-Trey ('00), Jasmine('02), Caleb ('05), Micah ('07), and Olivia ('10) who keep them constantly busy outside of ministry with AIA.   "A society looking up to athletes as heroes, must find heroes looking up to God" is a truth that Robert and April believe is a powerful avenue that can be used to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ.  Through God's faithfulness, and the financial support of people like you, that avenue is being utilized; and that mission is being accomplished.  To GOD be the glory!

Gratefully Serving HIM!

Robert and April (and family)

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