Eric and Deb Riedy


We met in Debs home state of Connecticut when Erics first job out of college brought him from Pennsylvania to that state. We began dating November 2 1990 and got married one year, to the day, later! The next year, 1992, we attended our first Weekend to Remember event. This began years of FamilyLife influence in our marriage. Erics career soon moved us to Michigan. Eric has been successful in various engineering and managerial positions throughout his career. This allowed Deb the privilege to homeschool our three girls Charissa(98), Brenna(01), and Amanda(03) through High School.

In the beginning of 2006 we began feeling that God was calling us to something different. Not knowing what that might be, we began praying that God would stretch us. As we followed the steps God laid before us, we realized that stretch would take us further than we ever thought, into full time ministry with FamilyLife! Throughout our support raising process, we continued to feel confirmed that FamilyLife was the place God had for us. In November of 2009 we moved to Little Rock, AR. Deb is now both working in Theological and Organizational Development at FamilyLife's Florida headquarters. We are blessed to be strengthening families through Gods Word as a part of FamilyLife!

Leaving a Legacy:
Divorce rates are climbing, clearly exceeding the number of weddings by more than fifty percent each year. More than that are married couples who are separated or emotionally divorced. Leaving a legacy of brokenness as our nations heritage.

FamilyLife is working hard to change the kind of legacy our nation is leaving behind. Through marriage conferences, radio programs, and other marriage and parenting resources, practical steps of Gods blueprints for our lives are being laid out through the ministry of FamilyLife.

The following is one couples response to a 2022 FamilyLife marriage conference. Like us, this couple had been married less than one year when they attended this conference:

This getaway strengthened my marriage and gave space for intentional conversations that have been needed since getting married six months ago. I’m so grateful for the tools I’ve gained this weekend. One of the most helpful things I experienced this weekend was focusing on my own struggles in our marriage, not trying to change or point out things in my husband. I recommend this conference to anyone newly married, or if you’ve been married for 50 years! (Wife)

This event started impacting my marriage the second my wife booked it! It opened my eyes & made me realize WE are going to do everything & anything that it takes to make our marriage the best thing to happen to US! (Husband)

Stories such as this one is why we feel drawn to FamilyLife. We believe the strength of our nation is found in the homes of its people.

Will you join us in building families, one home at a time, who leave Godly legacies?

The Riedy's


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