Andrew and Madeline Murschel


   Thank you for considering a partnership with us to give every college student a chance to say yes to Jesus and come to know Him as their personal Lord and Savoir! We truly believe that reaching college students is one of the critical components to reaching our world for Christ. They are our future. They will be our leaders in every segment of society and all around the world. They are also at a stage in life where they are trying to figure out who they are and what they believe.

  Madi grew up in North Muskegon, MI in a church going family. She knew a lot about God, but never knew that she could know God personally and that he wanted a relationship with her. While attending Michigan State University, Madi sought out significance through accomplishment and success. But in the midst of this God pursued her through an older sorority sister who invited her to a sorority women’s bible study through Cru.

  Cru provided a place for her to explore questions about God in an environment that felt safe and also provided a community of people who were growing in their own relationships with God.God used the ministry of Cru to totally change her life!

  Andy grew up in Cleveland, Ohio, with a strong Christian upbringing, accepting Christ at a young age. He attended Wittenberg University & quickly found Cru on campus his freshman year. As a result of his involvement on campus, he felt called to give his first year, post college, to full time ministry in Berlin, Germany with Cru.

  After his year in Berlin, he again felt called to serve but this time in Detroit, (the city he had heard nothing positive about). He has been with Detroit Cru since 2010 years making disciples.

 We are so excited to offer others the same opportunity we were given: to know God and have an intimate thriving relationship with Him through Jesus Christ here in Metro Detroit!

  Your investment into this ministry can make an eternal impact in reaching people for Christ. Like many other missionary organizations, Cru has no central funds for paying salaries and ministry expenses. As a Cru staff member, we have the responsibility to develop a team of financial pertners who will provide the necessary funds for our outreach.

  We would like to invite you to be a part of that team. Would you prayerfully consider joining our team of ministry partners with a contribution of $100 or any other amount in monthly support? All donations made to Cru are tax deductible. Just click on the button to the below to get started!

  Another vital way you can help is to introduce us to people in your life who are passionate about building the kingdom of God and who would be blessed to hear about our ministry.  

Here's a link to our ministry brochure:

 If you have any questions about giving or how to go about connecting us with others please do not hesitate to contact us. 

We are easy to reach:

Call or Text Madi at (231) 557-4576 or Andy at (440) 487-6003

Connect with Madi on Facebook

Email Madi at or Andy at

Thank you so much!

Andy & Madi

Cru + Athletes in Action 

Wayne State University + University of Detroit Mercy


 "For 'Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.' But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them? And how will anyone go and tell them without being sent? That is why the Scriptures say, 'How beautiful are the feet of messengers who bring good news!'" - Romans 10:13-15


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