Art & Jen Powell
Art was married and divorced with one son right out of high school. We did not grow up in Christian homes and came to know Jesus Christ individually a few years after we were married in 1995. Our early married years were challenging as we juggled being a blended family and trying to maintain our self-focused lives.
We attended our first Familylife, Weekend to Remember in October 2001 where we learned that God designed our marriage to reflect His image in a fallen world. We felt convicted of all the ways our marriage did not match God's plan. Christ was not the center of our lives. We cried out to God that weekend in prayer asking Him to rescue our marriage. Five months later, Jen was in ICU with massive pulmonary embolus. A few years of major crisis followed. There are many details, but God used each experience to draw us closer to Him and to rearrange areas of our lives.
He did answer our prayers to rescue our marriage and so much more. He continues to teach us and grow us in every way. He has given us passion to share HIS LOVE, HIS PLAN and HIS TRUTH with those HE puts in our path.
Born & raised in Southern CA, we sold our home, resigned our jobs and said goodbyes to family. We relocated as full time missionaries with FamilyLife in Little Rock, AR in 2009. The Lord has called us to adoptions, to submission, to suffering, to changing and growing. He has called us to total dependence on HIM.
Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it.
Psalm 127:1
We give God all glory, honor and praise for what He has done and is doing to transform our lives.
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Psalm 9: 1-2: I will praise you, O Lord, with all my heart: I will tell of your great wonders. I will be glad and rejoice in you: I will sing praise to your name, O Most High.
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