Jared and Dominique Dawson


Jared and Dominque are a married couple living with a passion for Jesus Christ in Atlanta, GA. They both seek to grow deeper in love with God and join Him in the work of reaching the lost, helping people grow in their relationship with Him, and then encouraging them to live their faith out for others to see and experience the same grace. They have one son, Josiah, and a daughter, Janelle. 

Jared is currently serving as the People & Culture Director for Cru's High School Ministry. In that role, he helps to create an environment ensuring all staff members feel they are known, needed, developed, and have a future. He also partners with other leaders on ways to accomplish our mission by shaping the structures, processes, and culture that God will use to drive the advancement of spiritual movements everywhere. Locally in Atlanta, he leads the high school ministry in underserved areas of Atlanta, Georgia.  

Dominique is serving as the Spiritual Care Collaborator for Cru's Oneness in Diversity department. In that role, she works to see staff stay connected to Jesus, grow in self-awareness, and be established in a healthy community. She does that thru creating resources, supporting and shepherding historically marginalized staff (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color,  Women, and across the generations).

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