Nathan Buxman



Since 1966, Athletes in Action has been using sports as a platform to help people answer questions of faith and to point them to Jesus. Sport has the power to open doors and create connections in a way that few other things can.  We really believe that entire cultures and nations can be changed for the better as athletic leaders use their unique positions to point others to Christ. Ultimately, our goal is to see peoples’ lives changed as they discover God’s purpose for their lives. 


We work on the campus of the University of Missouri building relationships with coaches and college athletes from all over the world in efforts to win them to Jesus, build them in their faith, and teach them how to use their platform to reach others for Christ. We do this with large group weekly meetings, small group Bible studies and one-on-one discipleship.  We dream of a day when there are Christ-followers on every team, in sport, in every nation. We believe this is possible when organizations and individuals -- who want every athlete to know someone who truly follows Jesus -- work together toward the common goal of furthering God’s kingdom. 

As we commit our time, talent, gifts, and resources to help fulfill the Great Commission for the glory of God, we invite you to partner with us in this exciting ministry. Thank you for trusting God and believing in us! May you be richly blessed.

Nate & Lisa


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