Andrew and Rachel Gilson


Andrew and Rachel joined staff with Cru during the summer of 2011 after being called to this work during college. 

They were privileged to minister at Yale University through the spring of 2015 and that summer the Gilsons moved to Boston where Andrew stepped into the Finance Analyst role for Cru in the Northeast, a position that God had been preparing him for over the previous couple of years. He is now a Team Leader for Cru’s National Field Finance Team. Their work undergirds, through financial shepherding and equipping, the work of each and every Campus Team in the U.S (both High School and College), ensuring each dollar’s maximum impact, and helping to bring the Gospel to millions of students around the world. He is humbled to the fact that in any given hour he may be working on finances that help bring the Gospel to the Middle East, South Africa, East Asia, the U.S, and the world! 

Rachel serves with Cru's National Theological Team, where she is specifically giving leadership to staff, students, and churches in how to approach LGBT people and issues with grace and truth. She has published in Christianity Today and The Gospel Coalition as she seeks to help guide evangelicalism broadly on this topic. 

Thank you so much for your partnership in the Gospel. This vital work could not be done without the dedicated giving and prayers of our partners! God is using you to bring many into his Kingdom!

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