Tiffany Helmuth


Thank you so much for considering partnering with me as I seek to be used by God in Florence, Italy! I have been living and serving in Italy for over 10 years, first in Rome and now in Florence. 

While working with the student ministry in Rome, we saw artistic initiatives be especially powerful in the lives of Italians to open their hearts to the Gospel. I am passionate about helping Italians experience God and investigate the claims of Christ for themselves, and I believe art and creativity are a particularly powerful tool in Italy to do that.

We want to build up believing artists to be Christ-centered witnesses, and invite Italians to participate in artistic initiatives and community that connect them with Jesus. 

Please keep me and my team in your prayers so that we can boldly proclaim the life-changing Gospel in Florence. Please also pray that I would trust God, knowing that He can do immeasurably more than all I could ask or imagine. 

Thanks again and God bless!

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