Serving in Manhattan, New York City
New York City is one of the most influential cities in our country, and even our world. Tim Keller, NYC resident, pastor, and theologian, says:
“New York City competes with Los Angeles as a media capital, with Paris as a fashion and art capital, with London as a theater and literature capital, with Tokyo as a financial and corporate capital, with DC as a power capital, and with Boston as a student capital. No other city excels in all theses areas together. No other city has as much impact on national and world affairs as does New York.”
We believe that if the gospel went forth in a city as influential as NYC, our country and world would also be drawn towards Christ. Although we may not have access to those in Wall Street, the U.N., and Broadway now, we can access the future leaders of these industries while they're in college! Over 750,000 college students call New York City home, making it the city with the most college students in the nation. In fact, 1 in 19 college students in the country live here!
We are convinced that each one of these students needs to personally know Jesus Christ as their Lord & Savior. On each of these campuses, Cru is seeking out men and women with the goal to win students to Christ through outreaches & various forms of evangelism, build them up in their faith through discipleship & a strong community of believers, and send them out into the world to have an eternal impact on others for Christ.
As a part of the Manhattan Metro team, we work full-time to pioneer and grow spiritual movements on the over 90 college campuses in this NYC borough. We meet with key students at these campuses for discipleship, encouragement, prayer, and training to equip them in a life of ministry on campus and wherever the Lord takes them. We also engage in personal evangelism and evangelistic outreaches in order to introduce as many students to Christ as possible.
We believe that reaching New York City college students is one crucial avenue towards reaching our culture and our world for Christ. It is a privilege to use our gifts and talents to help accelerate the fulfillment of the Great Commission, and we are truly grateful for your faithful partnership in reaching students with the Gospel!
Please pray:
- For safety and favor as we navigate such a large, secular city
- For wisdom and guidance as we meet with student leaders--that God would use us to grow them in their faith
- That the Lord will raise up godly students who have a heart to reach out to their peers on these campuses
- For creative and effective ways to share the truth of Jesus Christ on these campuses, and that students really would come to know Him
- That we would walk with Jesus and be filled and empowered by the Holy Spirit as we seek to minister to others