New York PowerPacks®


Did you know that a simple gift of school supplies can change children's lives? Each fall, children in the inner city go back to school without proper school supplies to help them succeed in the classroom. You can change that by donating to PowerPacks®!

Here are a couple of testimonies from churches that have partnered with us in the past:

  • We were able to give out the PowerPacks the day before school began. It was a blessing to be able to demonstrate Christ's love and provision to those who didn't know how their needs were going to be met. We were able to point them to Jesus, the Giver of good gifts.
  • Parents that received the PowerPacks for the children did not have to choose between buying groceries or buying back to school supplies. We serve families that are often having to choose between basics like food, shelter and clothing, this program allows us to help meet the children's needs so families can use their money on basic needs.

Every PowerPack® you help us provide will be filled with school supplies plus gospel literature perfectly designed for school-aged children.

A gift of $80 from you will provide PowerPacks for two children ... $120 provides for three children ... $200 will provide for five children. Whatever you can do will make a difference for children in need - both materially and spiritually!

Thank you for all you do to help us live out God's heart for the poor!

Cru Inner City NYC Team


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