Paolo Zuccher


Italy land of "Conquests to the Lord"

Economically Italy is one of the richest countries in the word, but is very poor from a spiritual point of view. Paradoxically, although Italy is seen as the centre of Cristianity, with the Vatican in Rome, it is a nation far away from God.

  1. Less than 3% of italian Catholics regulary attend curch.
  2. The protestant curch is week and often divided.
  3. The interest in the occult is widespread (there are 3 times more occult leaders than catholic priests).
  4. Secular materialism is everywhere.
  5. Over 70% comunity are without any estabilished Bible believing witness.

There is a feeling of hopelessness among young people. almost 40% of under 25's are unemployed.
Many look elsewhere for hope. Drugs use is a big problem with over 500,000 addicts with high rates of HIV infection.

There are over 1.8 milion students at university across Italy. Students are the future leaders of Italy they are future influencers. They need the hope and joy of knowing Christ. Strong families are the foundation where we can learn love, acceptance and how healthy relationships. But even this is under threat as the rate of separation among married couples is rising higher and higher.

This is why Agape Italia focusses on reaching students and families with the love and hope of Jesus.

This is why I have joined this mission to help my fellow Italians understand who He is and why everyone needs Him in their lives.

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